Timate 發表於 2006-12-4 23:20:05

請幫手,Univeral Player轉Track時有"拍"一聲

請各位高手幫幫忙, 小弟剛換了機, 播CD/SACD時如用Analog出,轉Track時有"拍"一聲.
如用Digial Out 就沒有...
我巳試過關掉Digial, Video Parts, 但也沒用.用回舊CDP又冇事,應該係Player問題.又試過換電源線,訊鷜u, 插去另一部AMP都係吾掂.有冇人可以指點下我呢.
小弟器材是TEAC DV-15 Univeral Player.
Thanks in advance!

SSWONG 發表於 2006-12-5 09:29:24

Try to check whether the sound is come from "Relay"?
Normally relay will have "pak" sound when switching.... good quality relay should have lower/less sound....

Timate 發表於 2006-12-5 10:08:07

Thanks for your reply, but what is relay?

By the way, just to clarify my problem, the sound comes from my speakers, is there anything related to "relay", please advice.

Thanks again for your help

SSWONG 發表於 2006-12-5 11:14:14

If sound come from speaker then shld be other problem not sound from "relay".

Hope other expert here can help u...as i do not hav experience in this.

By the way your CDP is brand new or 2nd hand which had been modified before? If not mistaken some people will bypass muting transistor in the CDP to obtain better sound, the side effect is that it will have some sound during each switching.

Timate 發表於 2006-12-5 12:17:32

It's second hand, shouldn't be modiflied and I didn't regonize this problem while I was testing this player...
Anyways, thanks again for your help.
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