alfcat 發表於 2007-8-19 18:31:05

唔想隻貓爪 Speaker

有友好問我唔想隻貓爪 D 靚 Speaker 有什麼方法.

方法可有幾個可供選擇, 在乎於 Budget 和喜好.

1. 樟腦 --- 如圖.好使好用.大約 HK$ 24 一盒.
2. 雙面膠紙 ---貓同Dog好唔同,貓唔鍾意任何東西捉住佢隻前腳. 膠紙貼住佢隻腳, 因此佢會避在那裹磨爪.
3. 科學戰--- 買張靜電 "Jin". 佢一行上去, 電佢一野. 好快唔再去那裹.
4. 最毒 --- 一些叫 Cat Repellent / Dog Repellent 的東西. 有效但自己都怕那種味(大有可能因為我是牠們一份子).

muka 發表於 2007-9-14 17:28:04

Hi Alfcat,

Where I can buy the SCATMAT in Hong Kong?



alfcat 發表於 2007-9-14 20:04:00

Muka 兄,

SCATMAT has NO authorized dealer in Hong Kong. I think you will have to order it in USA.

muka 發表於 2007-9-15 18:45:46

Muka 兄,

SCATMAT has NO authorized dealer in Hong Kong. I think you will have to order it in USA.


alfcat 發表於 2007-9-20 17:15:30

Muka 兄,

用後請分享心德 ... 有無效等 ... Many thanks

muka 發表於 2007-9-25 06:26:32


alfcat 發表於 2007-9-25 12:23:26

Muka 兄,

Hmm.... 装假狗未必有效 ... 貓都唔蠢, 佢試過行上去無事發生佢就會再試去做實驗. 好快就會知係無料到.

alfcat 發表於 2007-9-25 12:32:13

Muka 兄,

小弟剛剛又想到一個方法, 但唔一定 work :!: .

貓是不喜歡 "石春" 的 (但一定要係石春, 唔係石仔, 碎石 ...), 因為行上去唔安全, 會slip. 可考慮將一些石春, 雨花台石之類放置在 speaker 前一試.

alfcat 發表於 2007-11-19 09:55:05

Dear Muka 兄,

我張Scatmat终於也寄到回來. 兩隻貓只有黑貓中招, 白貓好醒目. 見到黑貓電到彃起, 即刻貓步步為營 ...

我見你張scatmat都有摺, 谷起上來. 我用了一條厚毛巾, 濕了水, 用蒸汽 IRON steam 咗五分鐘. 張MAT現在平番晒.... IRON 只可較中度, 唔好最熱!


muka 發表於 2007-11-19 23:01:09

Dear Muka 兄,

我張Scatmat终於也寄到回來. 兩隻貓只有黑貓中招, 白貓好醒目. 見到黑貓電到彃起, 即刻貓步步為營 ...

我見你張scatmat都有摺, 谷起上來. 我用了一條厚毛巾, 濕了水, 用蒸汽 IRON steam 咗五分鐘. 張MAT現在平番晒.... IRON 只可較中度, 唔好最熱!


Cat 兄,
我張Scatmat externsion 也到了,貓貓中過招,现在已不用電。還有谷起上來的,多放一會,會自然平,但當然不及燙那麼平。

alfcat 發表於 2007-11-20 17:36:15

Muka 兄,

這樣看來, 我也可以好快唔使用電.

我張Scatmat燙了一次之後 ....

alfcat 發表於 2007-11-22 08:28:53

Muk 兄,

我隻白貓已經識得jump over the mat. 真係學得快!:cry:

muka 發表於 2007-11-23 11:38:50

Muk 兄,

我隻白貓已經識得jump over the mat. 真係學得快!:cry:

放在喇叭前,無得Jump la

alfcat 發表於 2008-1-5 20:59:37

Muka 兄,

某一天我的 SCATMAT 無了電, 我隻白貓即時坐上去向我示威 ... 真係頂佢唔順 ....


muka 發表於 2008-1-8 10:02:34




alfcat 發表於 2008-1-8 22:44:22

Dear Muka 兄,

The message I replied you was gone by me mistakenly pressed the ESC key. I can only reply you in English.

You cat remembers you well. She is just "ANGRY" with you as you put her "away" in someone's house.

I got this terrible experience when I give away my first cat to a friend. After one month, I went to visit my cat, he totally ignores me. He even changed the way he "meows" ... very sad.

If you have time, go and visit your cat as often as you can. Bring along something she likes to eat (叫為食貓是有原因的). Pet her and talk to her, telling her that she will be home soon.

Of course cats don't understand what we said but she can feel it. Let she knows that you are not giving her away. Cats are VERY sensitive animals and they are afraid of being "given away" by their owners. If they have this feeling, they will stick to their "new" owner in a short time ... and won't "forgive" you even tho' you want her back.

That is why people said cats are like women ....:cry:

muka 發表於 2008-1-10 11:49:21

Cat 兄,

Won't "forgive" you 會有什麼後果?


alfcat 發表於 2008-1-10 23:37:18

Muka 兄,

正如上文所講, 小則唔多 "so" 你, 大則見到你就轉頭走 .... 最抵死係跟個新主人, 唔跟你 ...:cry:

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