terencehk1 發表於 2009-5-27 10:27:51

Seas Driver

Could anyone comment the Seas driver? Where can buy it in HK? or which brand is using it?Thanks.

ksw48 發表於 2009-7-10 15:26:02

如 Madisound

kemhei 發表於 2009-8-16 23:03:27

I saw a new brand name XTZ in "Hi End AV Show" last week.The salesman said all loudspeakers is used Norway "Seas" excel series drivers.The price is very attractive and they are the first time selling in HK.You can search www.xtz.se

kk363 發表於 2009-8-25 15:42:11

Seas driver 真係幾好聲的 ~ 因為我是 XTZ 這個品牌在香港的首位用家~

kemhei 發表於 2009-8-27 00:36:59

C-hing, Seas 好聲嗎? 那天會埸那裡太多人和太嘈, 沒有仔細聲. 由於XTZ品牌以前未聽過, 所以沒有抱住很大期望.

kk363 發表於 2009-8-31 15:36:16

你可以去xtz個showroom 試試 ~ 包你有驚喜~

kemhei 發表於 2009-9-8 22:25:02

C-hing, 我買了99.26書架喇叭, 新牌子有折扣, 好聲呀, 再等煲多一個月是否更佳

Volty 發表於 2009-9-13 02:06:01

我上次係影音展聽佢用返xtz既cd同amp, 感覺都唔差.
不過我唔想換amp同cd機. 唔知夾唔夾...
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