HiFi Fever

標題: 新魚缸 - 開缸過程 [打印本頁]

作者: william    時間: 2006-4-2 11:55
標題: 新魚缸 - 開缸過程
新魚缸 - 開缸過程

舊魚缸濾水壞了及空閒不足, 所以決定全套換新!

作者: modi    時間: 2006-4-2 15:43
作者: william    時間: 2006-4-2 23:22
modi, 你都有養魚?
作者: william    時間: 2006-4-2 23:25
作者: modi    時間: 2006-4-5 20:00
[quote:090b68e234="william"]modi, 你都有養魚?[/quote]

你缸水草好正啊!我以前都有養水草,但現在只養珠麟魚,所以那些CO2及PH機早已藏下床底了! :
作者: danny    時間: 2006-4-21 13:41
作者: godwin01    時間: 2006-5-14 01:46
標題: 缸魚養成點
不知你缸魚養成點, 點解你要打氣
太陽草及偏紅的草, 你之燈吾夠光, 要開多D 時間,或改種陰性水草,
夏天缸水要水冷, 如不想用水冷, 可養一 D 較易種的草,
如鐵皇冠,  鹿角鐵皇冠等,
CO2 都可以吾用
我以前是養海水魚及珊瑚, 近兩年轉了養水草, 有 100cm Juwel 及一 60cm
缸, 如要講情調, 玩陰性水草好 D,
最初好有心機, 用 老素燈, 紅綠水草半小時已有 泡泡升起, 氧 Saturation,
但因陽性水草生長很快, 成日要剪草,什麼紅蝴蝶,紅菊, 紅太陽都養到 , 但 搞搞
下覺得要好多心機, 改了養陰性水草, 重任更交比老婆, 一於好小理,
作者: saiwing    時間: 2006-5-15 10:50

等我有時間都post d相同大家分享下
作者: william    時間: 2006-5-22 13:02
亞大, 多謝你的意見.

個魚缸只有十八吋, 用了4支T5管暫時還OK

打氣只是Co2未Set 好

個人比較喜歡陽性草, 有生氣一點. 但要搞得好真的很花時間. 有時開真的要跟你學習一下.

saiwing 你的草缸非常Pro, 有否參加比賽?
作者: saiwing    時間: 2006-5-22 17:15
過獎了.... 我的草缸只是玩玩的.

作者: ewcl    時間: 2006-5-25 23:41
過獎了.... 我的草缸只是玩玩的.


真係唔知呢d都有比賽喎!!!! 有無d得獎作品睇睇呀 :?:  :?:
作者: saiwing    時間: 2006-5-26 08:59
水草缸的造景比賽都是外國的, 水準是非常之高的, 有興趣可以睇下:-

1) International Aquaplant Layout Contest:-


2) AGA International Aquascoping Contest


作者: ewcl    時間: 2006-6-10 01:06
[quote:560b2e6487="saiwing"]水草缸的造景比賽都是外國的, 水準是非常之高的, 有興趣可以睇下:-

1) International Aquaplant Layout Contest:-


2) AGA International Aquascoping Contest



好正喎, 唔知整個要幾錢呀
作者: saiwing    時間: 2006-6-10 09:25
器材有平有貴, 平平地大約要幾千至萬幾啦.....

不過同玩音響唔同, 錢未係最重要, 做一個草缸的心機同時間是不少的.
仲有d草同魚都係生物, 有時花了錢未必有好的效果.
作者: kermit    時間: 2006-8-25 22:40
Very nice tank, I have salt water fish now but too lazy to care for them so all die except a few blue devils. Will clean up the tank and keep some easy to maintain tropical fish and water plant.
作者: modi    時間: 2006-8-29 20:36
作者: SSWONG    時間: 2006-12-6 10:51
佩服你们那么有心机养水草! 要养得好比养鱼难得多了。 要顾光线,定时修剪,肥料,水草摆设。。哇,比HIFI麻烦多 了!

前两年,养了条龙鱼, 浴缸不须装饰,但龙鱼只爱吃生物。。。嫌麻烦,所以现在干脆养些可食用的鱼(巴丁)在大雨池里。可看可吃 :)
作者: alfcat    時間: 2007-6-11 21:46
Wa ... some more people that like to do aquatic planting. I dropped a message on MODI's thread as well. I used to have 3 tanks but now = NONE as no time to look after them.

The most stupid thing I ever done is to delete ALL the photos of my best tank ever built. I asked my friends to see if they have stored up my photos ... but they deleted them as well.

Been doing aquatic planting for over 6 years ... now, seem lonely without these plants, tanks and fishes around me.
作者: alfcat    時間: 2007-6-11 21:56
Hi Modi,

My colleague said he knows you... ha.ha.

For your question on substrate  .... If you look at the photos I posted, I USED 3 levels of substrate. All of them are ADA products and VERY expensive. The base / fundation one needs not replace. You will need around 1" of those minimum. Then you can skip the mid level and go straight to the TOP one. I use DARK one as it lets the fishes show their full color.

ADA gives very good quality products at a price. From my experience, I would suggest buying their Fertilizer STICK. You insert them into the soil once every 3 months or so. It is more than enough.

Good supply of CO2 and lighting is tricky. If you don't change the water frequent enough, there will be algae. You will need a combination of FAST growing and slow growing plant. The FAST growing one to absorb the extra nutrients ..... so that algae won't build up.

I saw in your other thread's photo that you have quite some AZOO or alike product (RED BOTTLE). From my experience, they are not very useful.

For liquid fertilizer, the best I would suggest is Tropica MasterGrow. 香港水族器材 (can't recall the name) is selling them at around TWICE the should be price. If you need this fertilizer, I can give it to you at almost HALF the price.

Plants need quite a lot of iron, especially RED ones. Buy a Iron Testing kit and you can tell how good those fertilizers are. Drop one or two drops of fertilizer into the tube and add the testing solution. Some brands just won't give any result at all.

If you have further questions, drop me a note here. I am more than willing to answer.
作者: bankbank    時間: 2011-1-10 21:56

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