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2 x Auricaps

ahwah 發表於 2006-2-27 13:36:54 | 顯示全部樓層 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Hi ah Kit:

I would like to sell my 2 Auricaps :
2 x HK$ 85 = HK$ 170

If you know someone who might be interested, let me know.

Auricaps, very clear and very transparant.
I listen mainly to voice and like to try find caps with more sweet sound.

Thanks in advance.

 樓主| ahwah 發表於 2006-2-27 23:57:25 | 顯示全部樓層

2 x Auricaps

Oops... forgot to write, it's 1uf, 450Volt

I use them for my GG as coupling capacitor.  

I am on business trip now.  Will be back in 10 days.
Let me know if someone is interested.

 樓主| ahwah 發表於 2006-2-28 00:10:10 | 顯示全部樓層

2 x Auricaps : SOLD

Hi Lurry :

2 x Auricaps (1uf 450 volt) SOLD TO YOU !  

I am on business trip and will be back within 10 days.  
If after 10 days, you still haven't changed your mind, then they are yours for HK$ 170.

I have used them for less than 2 months.   I bought them from ah Kit.  Very clear and detailed, worth the price.  I like THICK sweet sound.  Look for something else to try.

Best regards,
 樓主| ahwah 發表於 2006-2-28 17:16:31 | 顯示全部樓層
No worries !

Anyone interested, offer still counts.

Best regards,
 樓主| ahwah 發表於 2006-3-21 21:42:05 | 顯示全部樓層

2 x auricaps

Dear WHY :

Sorry , I forget to post a message that I have decided to keep the Auricaps.

It sounds so good with the new speakers I have bought, thick voice, soundstage, details,...

I think Auricaps are very good for that price, but you must look at your system as a whole, each component matching with  the rest..

I think I need some good tubes now and then I will get  a more sweet sound.  Very close to what I want now...

Thanks for your enquiry.

All the best.
ah wah
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