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求救!!! 個合併amp. 突然好細聲, 有得維修嗎??

kk_ho 發表於 2007-6-21 12:48:00 | 顯示全部樓層

Re: 求救!!! 個合併amp. 突然好細聲, 有得維修嗎??


Try the following step.

1. Identify the socket inside the amplifer is OK. If possible, disconnect and plug in once again.

2. Open the PCB (solder side) to check any COLD solder inside, simple is using the iron to fill a new solder.

3. Checking any "hot spot" location, if any capacitor is near it, check that capacitor is OK or not.

If still not OK, should be circuit problem, like damage / leakage inside a diode, transistor.

Hope this help

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