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[出售] Ultimate SILVER ADVANCED 影/音兩用多支 1.5 mm粗單枝蕊 5N Silver電源線 Ultimate

ddesignlab 發表於 2005-12-10 00:47:50 | 顯示全部樓層 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
牌子: Dynamic Design Lab Dynamic Design Lab
價錢: $700

Ultimate series Silver-Advanced 電源線

影音兩用多支 1.5 mm 粗單枝蕊Silver電源線, For DVDP, Plasma, LCD TV, cdp效果亮麗 干擾少


不論高頻清脆, 不刺耳, 空氣包圍感強,不單簿, 人聲和低頻豐厚,能平衡人聲不足和低頻不足之情況 , 和散芯線比, 樂器,人聲實淨雄厚, 層次分明, 用後不會再找回同級的散芯線. 强於可作任何部份仍然發揮到強力的動感, 放CDP, DAC PRE-AMP 分析力特高, 失真少, 放 Power amp 強而有力且分析力也顯注. 有退綫服務保障, 何不一試 ?

用在AV-AMP方面改善度比REVOLUTION 為高, 廠線一般很少用這麽粗的單支銀芯,而且亦非一般的大陸劣質鍍銀.

影像 : 亮丽, 對比度和彩度有增加, 黑色的層次分明, 立體感明顯加强不少, 當然影像的改善不及audio方面誇張, 一般有10%改善已非常成功(很多時候影像對比,黑位少少改善,硬件已相差數萬元), 主要仍耍硬為主

散芯 vs 單枝實芯(必須以同等質素純度比較)。




8N 神話 ?

HiFi 新手需知道真正8N高純度音響用物料而製作出來線材,主要為數間是大廠掌握,是天價。平宜又聲稱8N的,又沒牌子的,又或是名牌但超平價的,買家需自己小心選擇了, 可能買了冒牌線,蒙受損失。


Comments in GO2XX

GeoffreyISL 的 評 價
(於 2004/1/22 AM 12:21:02) An excellent seller who has good knowledge of audio/video cables. Willing to help on any problems about these cables. All products in reasonable prices but very much over performed. Highly recommended to all tiro/experienced hi-fi users.

ALMONDROCA 的 評 價 (於 2004/2/22 PM 09:56:20)
1) ULTRA喇巴線,高音通透,比BEDROCK還高,音樂感生動無盡,像有空氣包著, 中低有質量,分析力高。有StraightWire Crescendo 80%.

4) 最後試ULTRA銀電源線,這個價錢超值得無話可說。ULTRA糸列 是誠意優秀之作,聽過才知。我想大家應該試試。

S. Chan 的 評 價 (於 2004/2/10 PM 03:25:39) The ultra series power cord improved the soundstage and analytic power of my sound machine. Materials within the cables are terrific. It took me a long time to screw in the wires to the plug. I highly admired the products

cheelai 的 評 價 (於 2004/3/31 PM 11:57:25) My 2nd ultra product. I bought the power cable before. The performance of the cables is superior. ...

S.H. Yau 的 評 價 (於 2004/5/4 PM 11:05:00) Honest & Nice.Many improvement after use power cord & interconnect cable.Specially on the Bass & the power of Analysis under my power AMP & CD player to Pre-AMP.Better than use MIT & Beldon(3/4'diameter

kymco 的 評 價(於 2003/12/16)
換了新買回來之電源線後,發覺自己部電視和PlasmaD影像清晰左同有層次好多,本來在平時有跳動的畫面,現在也非常之好,Hi-Fi (Extra銀喇叭線 )的效能也可以發揮得好一D,以咁平的價錢黎講有呢個效果. ,真係好正,可以把自己本身玩開D机有明顯改善效果全部都好似upgrade晒.真的 質素很好 ,平和貴器材也會有所改善!HiFi人聲 中厚, 低音收緊不鬆散,Plasma和電視立體感加強,LD 和 DVD 分析力真是明顯有改善,...

peterycc 的 評 價 (於 2003/10/26)
濾波器基本上已經令到本人的系統背景更加寧靜,聽歌時可以聽多一點細 節,即係分析力好;,點知睇戲時唔單只聲好;就連畫面都實剩好多,顏色更加自然,我想一定係條新電源線作怪,條線未煲都已 經口甘正,果然係物超所值,

kyliewin009 的 評 價 (於 2003/11/15)
換了電源線後,有非常好的改善Very,Very good

winwin016 的 評 價 (於 2003/10/28)
Compared with my original power cord, the sound performance has been obliviously improved after this cord + filter installed. ...Great value of money. Highly recommended.

insider1 的 評 價 (於 2004/3/12 PM 07:21:01) I''ve bought a power cable from him,the model is No.4 Extra.I place it on my DVD player 8300 & 838A The result is amazing! The picture is totally clean & smooth ,shiny, it is compared with my old cable-XLO Reference !
Comments in YAHXX

評分的買家為: ngchungyau
意見︰試過ULTRA係列的電源線及喇叭線,感覺非常滿意.銀線和銅線同樣吸引.銀線晶瑩透通透,爽快清澈,分析力極佳,最適合欣賞金屬味音樂.銅線厚實有力,人聲之表現極純厚.以1000元以下的線材,能有這樣的表現實在難求.加上服務直得一讚,...(2004-03-07 22:18)

評分的買家為: nelsonngwaihung
意見︰Very good sound Ultra power cable. Very good bass and 3d sound stage in the first few hours. Will monitor the effect after more hours' 'burn-in and very likely will like to buy one more and try the ultra interconnect as well. (2004-03-07 22:31)

評分的買家為: fcyk04 (45)
意見︰Very clear & powerful sound. (2004-05-06 10:46)

評分的買家為: heiy2k2003 (5)
意見︰Ultra 銀電源線,手工同用料極好,非一般DIY同國貨可比,同名牌線比一D都唔輸蝕.當日賣家有帶同示範線導體(鍍銀同純銅銅枝)線辨,線芯很粗,尤其鍍銀果條,的確比AQ,XLO, TaraLab等牌子線芯粗.配合我現用緊果條VDH 102MKIII同TaraLab Prime 500,音樂密度很高,高音比之前更清澈,音樂器分隔明顯同音更長,低音亦比之前結實同清勁,我都估唔到呢條電源...我對產品很滿意,價值較能比很高,尤其Ultra銀系列~Excellent Cable. (2004-03-20 23:23)

評分的買家為: yin7792003 (7)
的音量,也可感受得到。 (2005-04-11 10:28)

評分的買家為: hosunny0622 (6)
意見︰產品手工一流,能和我朋友的Zu Cable 一較高下,賣家又非常好人,最緊要既係售後服務極好... ^^ (2005-06-18 10:53)

評分的買家為: hochunewong (7)
意見︰在經過三個月用之真正Ultra高級影音兩用多股單枝蕊銀電源線比較起用開之UPOCC-POWER 單結晶無氧銅電源線, 整體供電能力更加充裕, 本人用後覺得單枝蕊銀銀電源線特性是速度快、音場大、解析度高, 有明顯的改變... (2005-06-02 17:34) Ultimate SILVER ADVANCED video/ audio solid 1.5mm silver core power cable

$700 1.5m long , UK or US plug avaliable.

Nov,2005 only www. hififever.com friends still have 10% off
welcome to ask question of AV-set up or how to balance the sound with cables

Tel: 63701113
Email: ddesignlab@hififever.com

Characters of this cable:

Good for high freq.range and powerful bass, details, fast, not bright, wide sound. Strong bass to improve the weak bass part.

Solid materials has less detail loss. Good for power-amp. Mnay brand with silver materials can't be used in AMP part. So solid core materials must solve this problem

Comments in GO2XX

GeoffreyISL 的 評 價
(於 2004/1/22 AM 12:21:02) An excellent seller who has good knowledge of audio/video cables. Willing to help on any problems about these cables. All products in reasonable prices but very much over performed. Highly recommended to all tiro/experienced hi-fi users.

S. Chan 的 評 價 (於 2004/2/10 PM 03:25:39) The ultra series power cord improved the soundstage and analytic power of my sound machine. Materials within the cables are terrific. It took me a long time to screw in the wires to the plug. I highly admired the products

cheelai 的 評 價 (於 2004/3/31 PM 11:57:25) My 2nd ultra product. I bought the power cable before. The performance of the cables is superior. ...

S.H. Yau 的 評 價 (於 2004/5/4 PM 11:05:00) Honest & Nice.Many improvement after use power cord & interconnect cable.Specially on the Bass & the power of Analysis under my power AMP & CD player to Pre-AMP.Better than use MIT & Beldon(3/4'diameter

winwin016 的 評 價 (於 2003/10/28)
Compared with my original power cord, the sound performance has been obliviously improved after this cord + filter installed. ...Great value of money. Highly recommended.

insider1 的 評 價 (於 2004/3/12 PM 07:21:01) I''ve bought a power cable from him,the model is No.4 Extra.I place it on my DVD player 8300 & 838A The result is amazing! The picture is totally clean & smooth ,shiny, it is compared with my old cable-XLO Reference !
Comments in YAHXX

評分的買家為: nelsonngwaihung
意見︰Very good sound Ultra power cable. Very good bass and 3d sound stage in the first few hours. Will monitor the effect after more hours' 'burn-in and very likely will like to buy one more and try the ultra interconnect as well. (2004-03-07 22:31)

評分的買家為: fcyk04 (45)
意見︰Very clear & powerful sound. (2004-05-06 10:46)

 樓主| ddesignlab 發表於 2005-12-12 16:27:41 | 顯示全部樓層 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
Email: ddesignlab@hififever.com
 樓主| ddesignlab 發表於 2006-1-17 14:21:05 | 顯示全部樓層 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
今星期AV SETTING工作坊中訂購是超特價,由即日起至2月28日,如果是Hififever會員除特價貨品外,其他均享有95折,

且有不夾機60日換線和100%退錢服務, 為雙方公平起見, 所有資料均有記錄, serious buyer only.

亦請明白不同設計的CABLE有不同特性, 你可致電問我先, 讓本人了解並提出方案, 回家試再修正, 故此絕不會有貨不對辨的情況, 希望滿意此服務.
 樓主| ddesignlab 發表於 2006-1-19 23:51:10 | 顯示全部樓層 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
I can't see your mail completely, would you mind send to me again
Dynamic Design lab
 樓主| ddesignlab 發表於 2006-2-5 17:56:44 | 顯示全部樓層 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
I have lost your phone no. again, please call me if you want to try the cbales. I am not busy now.63701113
 樓主| ddesignlab 發表於 2006-3-2 20:24:45 | 顯示全部樓層 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
 樓主| ddesignlab 發表於 2006-8-17 23:42:46 | 顯示全部樓層 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
至2006年8月底前, hififever 會員除濾波器套裝外, 其他線材包括單支6N 純銅/單支銅鍍5N銀線材均有9折,請直接聯絡本人63701113
此項現$730 九折
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