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Anyone listen to 趙鵬?

alfcat 發表於 2007-5-27 22:02:27 | 顯示全部樓層 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

Anyone ever tried his CDs? If so, how do you feel about these CDs?

Some of my friends appreciate them very much but one or two who loved singing said Chiu gave "no feeling" in his songs .....

Just wonder what Hi Fi fans here think. Hope you can share your opinions here.  
 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2007-5-30 22:00:30 | 顯示全部樓層
But do you think the songs in 趙鵬's CD are arranged (編曲)pretty good. I like the recording as well tho' my set of Hi Fi is just a budget one.
 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2007-6-2 02:28:17 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Muka,

Do you know where can I find this First Disc of 趙鵬? It looks like it is really hard to find a good CD shop on HK Island that has a good selection at a reasonable price nowadays.

 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2007-6-3 22:36:49 | 顯示全部樓層
My Hi Fi Colleague told me that this first disc should be considered the best for 趙鵬. However, I just couldn't get it anywhere in HK or even 深圳.

I will try the place you mentioned to me but I need to go over to Kowloon. I am a "Hong Kong" man .. .ha..ha.

Thanks for your info  
 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2007-6-5 22:53:33 | 顯示全部樓層
Poor me, I don't know how to get there ...

I am just a dumb 'Hong Kong' man. If I am located in Central (close to HK Bank Headquarter), how do I get there?

 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2007-6-6 21:42:14 | 顯示全部樓層
I am very sorry to trouble you on this. Anyway, many thanks!
 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2007-10-9 00:01:36 | 顯示全部樓層
It is strange. I checked many shops and even 塗鴉文化 ... 趙鵬這隻碟不是塗鴉文化出的 .... 塗鴉文化的 website 好似沒有這隻碟 ...
 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2007-10-22 19:19:40 | 顯示全部樓層
Muka 兄,

你所講的那一隻我也有, 但封面是不同的.
 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2007-10-23 10:44:36 | 顯示全部樓層
唔怪之得 ... 哈哈. 多謝指教
 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2007-10-23 20:08:16 | 顯示全部樓層
It is sometimes hard to say whether a singer got "emotions" in his / her singing. In the good old days, 關正傑 sings like a puppet. Yet, his songs were welcomed by so many.

As said before, you like the songs, you like no matter what. You don't like the songs, it is hard to convince you.

Personally, I like some of 趙鵬's songs. Tho' I am not a fan of his but I would say it is hard to sing other peoples' songs. I say he missed some notes in his songs; his skills is not 100% perfect. Still, far better than many local singers already.
 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2007-12-21 20:14:56 | 顯示全部樓層
Just came back from China and haven't seen this new XRCD yet.

On the contrary, I got another one which is nicely wrapped.

This one got some songs written by 趙鵬 himself ...


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