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MHZS CD 33E static in left channel

alfcat 發表於 2007-7-27 16:36:55 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Blair,

Me and a couple of guys here all got CD 33 and we did a lot of modifications to the player. However, we never encountered anything like what you experienced.

You said Static Sound in the left channel, so I assume it is a continuous sound. So it is there once you turn on the machine and stays there no matter what, right? I am not an expert here ... is the sound like "dee ... deee... dee.." or something else.

As I have said, I am not the expert here ... I will see if I can check it out for you with some other guys around. Could it be the problem of the tubes? We changed those Chinese tubes right after we got our machines.
alfcat 發表於 2007-7-28 10:57:50 | 顯示全部樓層

有無人可以幫到這個西人哥哥呢. 佢個問題我都好想知點樣解決.

English Version

Dear Brothers,

Anyone has any clue to the problem mentioned above by Blair? I am very interested in this issue. Hope some of you can shed us some light on this issue. Many thanks.  :wink:
alfcat 發表於 2007-8-3 07:37:33 | 顯示全部樓層

I am glad that you finally figured out what the source of the problem is.

Happy DIYing all the time

alfcat 發表於 2007-8-4 11:57:33 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Blair,

Actually my modiffications of the CD 33 were posted on this link. I think I use 95% or so English, so you should be able to follow what I went through.


I think the MOST significant changes was actually the first few steps. I replaced the Chinese tubes with first the WE 396a ... everyone can hear the differences. Then I further move it to Bendix 396a, even better.

Second, I change the OPAM to BB 2107. The 2604 is nothing compared to it. Next, I gave my 2107 away and used a pair of OPA 637BP. More or less the same. As the 2107 is not around, can't compare any more.

I then changed all the major caps. If you follow the link, you will realise that I am actually a Social Sci boy who knows nothing about Electronics. I can't even read Electronic Circuit board diagrams ... I just use my logic and my very basic knowledge in Electronics. I made one or two mistakes throughout the whole process.

Finally, I changed the clock; using a clock with a PCB. Very mild improvement, though it is audible. Luckily, it is just HK$ 200 (US$ 30).
For the clock changing part, please follow this link:


I hope everything is clear for you. If you need anything translate back into English, I can do it for you as well.

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