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alfcat 發表於 2008-9-29 05:41:28 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear autumnleafcat,

嘩, 你重有隻暹羅!  :

這種貓好鬼吵 .... 跳得又高 .... 都幾頭痛 ....

我兩隻黑白雙魔較為易對付 .... 兩隻貓只抓貓抓板和地毯. 但牠們也會Hide入個Hi Fi架內 .... 只有用代武對付 ...... 一塊樟腦 .... 立即跳出來 :wink:

alfcat 發表於 2008-9-29 05:43:49 | 顯示全部樓層
化武 ... 打錯了"代武" ... 哈哈
alfcat 發表於 2008-9-29 09:59:09 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear autumnleafcat,

哈哈, 大家同類, 多少都要知己知彼而已 .....

香港的貓明乎其實品流複雜 ..... D貓配到八彩 .... 有時都好難分那隻是什麼貓 ... 什麼品種的特性也有似的 ..... 大把 Pet Shop 話自己這隻是什麼貓, 什麼種 ... 看去得啖笑 .... 隻貓十成十是雜的, 但又話係 Pure Breed ..... 賣到天價咁高 .... 十足人賣古董 Hi Fi 一樣.

其實我也對"大貓"有研究 ... (自吹自擂) ... 想起早陣的華南虎疑案, 我的同事問我點看, 我笑說一看便知"假" ... 不需要"專家". 他們半信半疑 ... 我解釋給他們明白, 他們始相信. 現在也証明了我說的是事實 .. 哈哈.

CATS are "noble" animals .... really admire them.
貓是一種尊貴的動物, 我很欣賞牠們. 可惜的是我們太受西方文化影響, 只懂狗, 不懂貓 ... :cry:

alfcat 發表於 2008-9-30 08:25:39 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear autumnleafcat,

講到 Cat Breeding, 你一定識多過我. 我是有興趣貓科動物和牠們的特性 ... 所以我好鍾愛 Big Cat's Diary之類的片集.

你係member, 多少要對個品種有研究 .... 香港好多Pet Shop只求錢,其他事一於好少理.
alfcat 發表於 2008-9-30 08:33:22 | 顯示全部樓層
係和,你 logo個隻是 Amati嗎?似是”仔”來的... 個樣好百厭咁,哈哈.我鍾意D咁既貓.

你同 Ivan Tang講得掂嗎?
alfcat 發表於 2008-9-30 10:33:35 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear autumnleafcat,

咁你 Logo 用緊果隻有無出現係之前張相?

見虎視眈眈D Hi Fi果隻似係"仔", 因佢個頭也相對大 ... 但當然看相不能完全作準.

我係"貓"來的嗎 ! :wink:  西人有謂:"Curiosity Kills a Cat" --- 正好形容我的情況. 我自細對好多事物都好奇, 養過的東西有魚,雀,水草,貓,狗,兔,龜,Chicken,鴨,Hamsters .... 每一種都有D研究. 魚,貓同水草研究的最多.... 以前有超過四個魚缸, 養魚同水草. 無耐生活迫人, 再無時間照顧. 兩年前丟了我最後一個48吋缸.. 現在重有一批魚缸,水草用品在家中 ..... :cry:

學 Hi Fi 只是舊年4月Easter後開始.

alfcat 發表於 2008-9-30 12:05:37 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear autumnleafcat,

其實重有幾種貓我都鍾意,只是無錢買 .. Birman, Ragdoll, Russian Blue, BSH 同埋 Lynx ... 特別覺得關於Lynx 牠的神話得意 ...

我係Social Science 人(Economics), 無什麼Electronics 底,加上現在工作忙,Hi Fi真是要慢慢學...

alfcat 發表於 2008-10-1 20:56:02 | 顯示全部樓層
Hi Sugargar and Autumnleafcat,

It looks like many MALE Hi Fi fans are also cat lovers! By far, there are the two of you here + KK Ho + Muka + me. In the past, there was another friend from England called "t" and my friend from Netherlands "Koifarm". Just wonder whether there are other cat fans not yet revealed themselves.

Sugargar, yours is an Angora or some other breed?

alfcat 發表於 2008-10-2 09:56:10 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Autumnleafcat,

千其唔好見笑, 我只是"在孔子面前賣文章" 而已 .... :

上次Miss咗你個Post斬無為意. 魚缸的相我sent俾D friends, 原來自己反而無 Keep. 現在手上有的只是零碎,而且不是最靚的48”缸那一批,好失望.. :cry:  話晒這幾年都唔會有時間,空間再去玩魚缸.

Post 幾張出來懷念一下.


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alfcat 發表於 2008-10-3 08:34:21 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear autumnleafcat,

應怎樣說才好 .... 養魚是不太難, 要魚生魚仔, 魚卵也不太難.

要養到 D 水草生得靚但又無青苔.... 好難!! :cry:

點解我話這幾張相不是最好 .... 1. 唔夠natural. 要在魚缸裹再造自然環境是好難的 ---石頭, 沉木的設計, etc.   2. 水草的 arrangement 未夠水準, 太人功化, 唔好看. 到48" 缸時有改善....

貓好玩好多! 首先, 貓會同你有 Interaction, 魚無太多. 再者, 打理貓容易, 打理水草好煩, 日日要整成 30分鐘有多, 重要四圍濕 .... 唔好講 equipment .... 支燈成 HK$ 7,000 ..... Filter 兩個成 HK$ 4K, ph Meter, CO2, CO2 dispenser .... D 泥差不多 HK$ 3K. 好笑個魚缸是最平的, 幾百元.

alfcat 發表於 2008-10-4 17:23:45 | 顯示全部樓層
奇怪, 昨晚打的 Reply 消失得無影無蹤...

Autumnleafcat兄, 雖然素未謀面, 但真有一種似曾相識的感覺 ... 哈哈.

你說的真不錯, 沒有挑戰的東西貓也不喜歡玩. 失敗了又再來一次 .... 貓的天性就是不怕失敗 .....

我記得我12歲時有第一個魚缸,只有12" ... 一直用到F.4上下 .... 到現大大話話都切了10個以上的魚缸... 有自己的,也有為別人造的 .....

養貓就要到結了婚之後方有機會. 我老婆原先也不太想養貓的, 但有了第一隻之後她到現在還是覺得那隻最可愛 ....

Hi Fi 只是舊年先開始 .... 重有牌學.

alfcat 發表於 2008-10-6 11:09:35 | 顯示全部樓層
嘩, autumnleafcat 你真風流 ..... 我就唔係太識溝女 ... 哈哈.

玩街貓也如上風月場所一樣. 街貓有一些是很野的. 開頭同佢玩好似幾過過癮, 玩玩吓佢當咗你都係貓就大件事, 爪 + 牙全部出齊 ..... 唔傷都幾難.

街貓看似可愛, 但一定要小心. 識得唔少人現在唔鍾意貓就是因為小時給貓抓過. 有時街貓係會玩玩吓玩到 "short" 咗的. 純種貓相對性格較為易估...

alfcat 發表於 2008-10-7 07:49:13 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Autumnleafcat,

哈哈, 好說...好說.

街貓言論, 我相信我們都是在些分亨居多. 和貓相處一段日子的人都會知道街貓的存在危險. 這不能怪貓, 因牠們也要小心生存下去. 而好多人到貓也不懷善意 (如早前的殺貓事件).

這陣子週身癮....訂了套 Pass Lab 回來, 恩公又送了部 Turntable 給我, 好多嘢玩... 但這幾個月是最忙的 .... :cry:

你帶隻貓去Studio影相, 要多少錢?

Oh, one last thing. You like JAZZ? 因想起你的名叫 "autumnleaf"

alfcat 發表於 2008-10-8 15:33:45 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Autumnleafcat,

哈哈, 點看我都唔似有錢的人 ....

部 Pass Lab Aleph 1.7 is 團購的 diy, 因不是用最靚料, 所以不算太貴. 隔離台 Rxx33有個 Pass DIY forum, 你可以去看一看那班大哥的成就. 原廠的Pass Labs, 唔係我這類人可以 afford 得到的, 自己知自己事 ....

講開貓的護理, 我兩隻貓最頭痛是剪毛 .... 出面剪好貴, 自己剪, 剪完變了"史立貓" ... :cry:
alfcat 發表於 2008-10-9 23:19:32 | 顯示全部樓層
流緊口水 ....
alfcat 發表於 2008-11-4 15:29:30 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Bryankeeper,

Jack "seems" to have a short tail .... or is it just taken from the wrong angle?

alfcat 發表於 2008-11-9 08:26:55 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Bryan,

Naughty cat = lovely cat
alfcat 發表於 2008-11-12 17:55:02 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Bryan,

I got two cats. The white one is an Angora; that is the one I use as the logo.

The black one is a Persian. However, it is not easy to take good photos of him as he is so dark..... If I use Flash, he becomes brownish instead of Black.

Scotland Shorthair? You mean a Scottish Fold? I have heard that they don't live long, one gets to the age of 12 is considered is already lucky. My brother got a Scottish Fold which looks like your Jack boy.

alfcat 發表於 2008-11-14 10:57:32 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Autumnleafcat,

Oh, the term Scottish Shorthair comes from this reason....ha..ha. Thanks for telling me that.

I know that the chance of having "fold" is at max. 50% out a one litter, normally it is far less. I have also learned that the kitties may have their ears straighthen up as they get older ... but don't know that a way to prevent that is to keep them "cool" .... COOL!

I know that the "fold" actually is a genetic defact. I have heard that people may want the "fold" to mate with other similar breeds like the BShorthair or so to reduce the chance of getting the defective gene as the dominant gene. Perhaps that is why the chance of getting a "fold" is less than 50%

Thanks for telling me that.  :wink:

alfcat 發表於 2008-11-15 10:28:52 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear autumnleafcat,

They failed because they didn't do their homework and just based on "common sense" or "street info".

I have heard that in Western countries, some tried inter-breed with Persian as well. Unfortunately, the result was not so good as the defect of the nose problem gets worse if mated with SF.

Good for you. You really worked / studied on this.

alfcat 發表於 2009-3-14 19:38:01 | 顯示全部樓層
Sugargar 兄,


alfcat 發表於 2009-3-15 14:30:33 | 顯示全部樓層

What type of trimmer are you using? I also need to trim my white cat every year before summer. But the trimmer cuts his hair real short. He is angry with me each time I do that ....
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