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又有新玩具 - Musical Fidelity A324 192K Upsampling DAC

goldlighta 發表於 2006-2-8 10:41:06 | 顯示全部樓層
Hi William,

what is the price range of your DAC??

XBox can act as CD Player?? what is the performance compare with low end DVD/ CD Player (~$2K)?

goldlighta 發表於 2006-2-9 22:47:45 | 顯示全部樓層
[quote:97adea5c02="william"]Hi Goldlightan,

The MF DAC is from 2nd hand mkt (although it is very new in appearance), 2nd hand price is about $3xxx. New one should over $8xxx

XBOX do not has the built in digital output but someone has mod it to add coax and optical connection


Or you can buy the Advanced AV Pack or High Definition AV Pack which have digital audio output connection

Since XBOX has a lot of components inside (actually it is a computer) including the moving harddisk so the interference should be higher than a well designed CD player, however, the price is really attractive for Games, AV and Audio use![/quote]

understand, thanks!!!
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