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ewcl 發表於 2007-2-11 09:56:54 | 顯示全部樓層
[quote:d18bafa25c="fox"]Hi DDL,

I listed out the AV type speaker, because I concern my AMP can't push the

others ^_^. I just bought the SR 604 two mths before. New regretting!!!

604 can't pre-out.... I want buy ONKYO 804 OR CAMBRIGE 640r now... but

too late...

NHT Classic 2 &  focal JM LAB 705V outlook are GOOD!!!

under $10,000 is ok.

And please suggest the CD player (around$3,000)? what's your best


Thanks for your help.[/quote]

shanling cd300 is a very good cd player. But out of your budget. (around $6000) :roll:
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