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opa 627bp in MHZS cd33

 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-1-8 23:50:02 | 只看該作者
Hi superwhite,
Long tine no hearing from you. any new modification with your cd33 or other.

I had modified my cd33 as follow:

add a new clock to it, the result is very very great  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just HK$200.00

photo as follow:


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 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-1-8 23:52:01 | 只看該作者
photo 2:


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 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-1-8 23:52:57 | 只看該作者
photo 3


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SSWONG 發表於 2007-1-9 10:34:52 | 只看該作者
[quote:8da2f87efb="Abhader08"]dear all,

my 8000a mostly equiped with elna duorex II ecap. do anybody know this cap?[/quote]

my old version is with duorex, so i guess duorex II is the ancestor of silmic II.
superwhite 發表於 2007-1-9 16:47:31 | 只看該作者
Hi viewer,

Me too long time didn't hear any news from you, great to hear you have MOD the clock, i actually want to change clock too, but i heard bad thing about it, if MOD it wrong, the CD player will gone.... :cry: (scare) it look clean n nice,  :wink: . Now i waitting for the RIKEN resistor from hong kong.
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-1-9 21:12:44 | 只看該作者
hi superwhite,

very easy to fixed, no problem. if you want to fixed, I will tell you how fixed and get electirc for it (9v)

as follow:
white colour (square area) for power supply for clock (9v)
green colour input signal
yellow colour  grouning.


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superwhite 發表於 2007-1-9 23:09:31 | 只看該作者
Hi viewer,

Thanks for your useful info, it was great! :wink: , can you tell me where can i find it?? maybe will ask WINDWSS friend look for 1 if possible

Thanks for sharing!
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-1-10 00:00:39 | 只看該作者
hi superwhite,

I buy it from this shop and its web site is below:
the price is HK$118 for all execpet the Toxc clock HK$100.
total $228.

the web site
there many parts and china dac and amps

thank for sharing.
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-1-10 00:04:06 | 只看該作者
hi superwhite,

i forget to sd the set clock must solder by yourself. but very easy to solder.

this set clock is the cheaper than other clock.
dcastle16 發表於 2007-1-12 09:36:07 | 只看該作者
dear all,

i have ordered the ad797 op-amp it's expected to collect it next monday.
hope that can reduce the noise and give better clarity after i replace the old 2604. the cost of changing is RM 136.00 it is almost RM100.00 cheaper then BB627.
SSWONG 發表於 2007-1-12 11:24:26 | 只看該作者
pls share with us the result after u had replace it!
kin111kin 發表於 2007-1-16 18:12:40 | 只看該作者
我都想換clock,請問是否把A,B,C,D,E,F拆掉,輸入接G,地接H or J?請各位大大幫忙!謝謝!!!


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dcastle16 發表於 2007-1-17 09:49:56 | 只看該作者
dear all,

i had changed the the ad797 op-amp when i first push the power button, the cdp was not responding, so i tried turn it off and on again the result is the cdp turn off automatically after count down to 11sec. the third time is until 4sec and following time is it turn off after count down and "no disk" showing. finally, it can be turn on and play cd and it seem like normal.

the ad797 sound is totally diferent from bb2604, it's really ultra low distortion i can said, bass is not as powerful as bb2604, vocal is much more natural, high frequency positioning is more accurate and clear. i can feel like playing LP with this ad797, it's can let you have less digital feel.
but i guess bb627 sound can give me more satisfication rather then ad797.
since i haven't try bb627 in my cdp so i still can give any advice here.

the cd-rom tray ejected but no display from the lcd after i pushed the power button when i check the cdp this morning. second time it's worked.
so i will change back to bb2604 and see is this problem cause by the ad797.
SSWONG 發表於 2007-1-17 10:25:18 | 只看該作者

can you post the photo of your new opa?
dcastle16 發表於 2007-1-17 11:10:12 | 只看該作者
dear all,

here are some photo of my cdp

dcastle16 發表於 2007-1-17 11:11:50 | 只看該作者

 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-1-17 12:57:23 | 只看該作者
Hi Abhader08,

can you show which point is connect the grounding with PCB broad.
I have try AD797 but no any problem occurred same to you. I thick just grounding problem.

can you show which point is connect the grounding with PCB broad.

You can see sperwhite's cdp show before the grounding connected with MHZS cd33' PCB.

 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-1-17 13:02:48 | 只看該作者

SSWONG 發表於 2007-1-17 13:43:46 | 只看該作者

tht's the same thing i can think of..... maybe grounding....
dcastle16 發表於 2007-1-17 14:51:15 | 只看該作者
dear all,

i actually follow the superwhite grouding connection and we are using the same pcb board, the only difference is he using bb627 and mine is ad797.
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-1-17 15:08:17 | 只看該作者

I think the control IC may have problem or the leaser head dirty.

first try to clean the head.

SSWONG 發表於 2007-1-17 15:45:23 | 只看該作者

ha..becareful while clean the laser lens, don't like me spoil it.... if after cleaning still not ok. then change back to opa 2604 still not ok... then maybe your CD pickup had show aging. Last time u said ur cdp can't read all CD right? did u replace a new 1 last time?

I think china made cdp use the loudsy sony kss-213, if your luck good it may last 1-2yrs, if bad luck 3month can see some sign/symptom....

lucky Jln pasar is selling the cd pickup mechanism (include motor) at RM22, 1 year change 1 time also no problem.....
dcastle16 發表於 2007-1-18 09:56:01 | 只看該作者
dear all,
my cdp look like no problem already, i had tested it for 18 hours yesterday and it's didn't give any problem like before to me. so i guess it's just a minor run in problem.

i had shared some of my view about ad797 before based at lower volume cause i test it at midnight. yesterday i test it again evening and i turn the volume at "normal listening dB". may be the ad797 had been burned-in for one day, the result is much much much more better. bass is more natural it's not so soft but also not so hard, just nice to me at my system. the detail od the high frequency is clear and better positioning. but i really like its vocal, vocal really natural and give me the high end system and live feel. finally is the distortion of this ad797 is extremely low.

thanks for your helping and sharing your knowlegde with me.
SSWONG 發表於 2007-1-18 10:11:09 | 只看該作者

My friend is thinking to buy a LITE DAC AH.

Do u know whether buy a new 1? and where to buy a 2nd hand in HK or china?
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-1-18 14:12:02 | 只看該作者
hi windwss,

I suggest buy it from 2bd hand market in hk , price around $400.00
after  modifity it. the sound is = $8k dac.

SSWONG 發表於 2007-1-18 15:55:54 | 只看該作者
[quote:6a92344ebb="viewer"]hi windwss,

I suggest buy it from 2bd hand market in hk , price around $400.00
after  modifity it. the sound is = $8k dac.


In HK which place easy to find 2nd hand Lite DAC AH?

if <hk500 i will ask him to get 1 for me too!

by the way i had saw many type lite dac-ah some are red board some are green board like you, which board is good/not easily spoil during soldering?

thank you shifu..... i had saw your modified DAC picture... really don't know how u can squeeze so many big size cap into the small box!
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-1-18 17:43:06 | 只看該作者
hi windwss,

you can find it at this web site in hk:

My DAC-ah is heavy modified by me, if your friend new hand on diy, I suggest a little bit to modifity is ok la !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
costs HK$350
re-correct the curiscit of outup. $10
changed some e-cap and outup cap $200
changed opm to BB627ap $100

SSWONG 發表於 2007-1-18 17:50:01 | 只看該作者
if he buy it i will help him to modify...but need your advice on modify output circuit.

change cap is quite easy.

by the way is 627 BP better than 627AP?
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-1-18 18:56:11 | 只看該作者
hi windwss,

BB 627 ap's sound is clear than 627BP but bass control is BB627BP better than BB627AP. this is my comment.

in HK BB627ap costs HK$50 each
         BB627bp costs HK$80 each
both 2nd hand goods.
you can buy it at this web site:


sometime they have brand new DAC-ah around $700
                              2nd hand DAV-ah  around $500

If need i will send the photo to you to modifity it.

 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-1-18 18:59:38 | 只看該作者
hi windwss,

red colour pcb and green pcb are the same just the color difference.

green colour in china, red colour for export goods.

kin111kin 發表於 2007-1-18 20:48:52 | 只看該作者
請問ah同am比較那個好?因我的am換了bg fk電容,4X627am+4X627bm和1ppm clock,只能少勝摩改電容,獨立電源千和改了1ppm clock的philips cd 950,到底還有什麼地方可以改善?(我用光纖,因我怕用同軸會有音色改變,影響比試結果)請指點!
SSWONG 發表於 2007-1-19 08:56:24 | 只看該作者
pls refer topic by dynamicdog.... if not mistaken he said for hifi using coxial is better than optical, for AV opctical is better...
SSWONG 發表於 2007-1-19 13:27:55 | 只看該作者

just to check with u, normally the opa 627 will use together with 2 coupling cap, u r using 0.1uF right? some are using BG0.47uF NH hi Q, which value Do u rcomend for 627bp? So using BG or other film foil cap better?
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-1-19 14:25:56 | 只看該作者
hi windwss,

2 coupling cap, u r using 0.1uF right? some are using BG0.47uF NH hi Q, which value Do u rcomend for 627bp? So using BG or other film foil cap better?

if use more value the bass will be stronge.
BG is very ok la!!!!!!!!!!!!
film foil cap must use high grade, then the cost will high than BG.
speed is fast than BG.
I suggect film foil cap. I am using Muscial Cap 0.1uf/400v now very good.

SSWONG 發表於 2007-1-19 17:35:05 | 只看該作者
thank you viewer,

than BG 0.47nh hi q should suit me... hovland music cap is quite expensive...

do u think TL072cp can be replace by opa 627 or opa 2604?
the TL072 is the opa in my audiolab amp, and the 2 coupling cap is 0.47uF/63v, so if i change it to larger uF bass shall inrease right? thinking change it to 1uF so taht bass extension more....
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-1-19 19:25:44 | 只看該作者
Hi windwss,

can replace by opa2604 and bb627.
1uf is more bass.

kin111kin 發表於 2007-1-20 18:05:35 | 只看該作者
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-1-20 18:47:58 | 只看該作者
hi kin111kin,

Normally you are right, but try more learn more, this is diy's fun.

do you agreed.
SSWONG 發表於 2007-1-22 11:21:05 | 只看該作者

I understand that Lite dac-AH also got blank board to sell.

May i know:
1) is Hk have this type of blank DAC-AC board sell?
2) Is this blank Dac-ah contain the 8pcs TDA Chip on board or it is totally blank/empty?

I found BC/philips 030/031series is also cheap and nice e-cap, i prefer this than the panasonic FC.
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2007-1-22 14:17:56 | 只看該作者
hi windwss,

In my knowledge, no blank DAC-ah in HK for sell.
It only have full solder all compents with 8 pics TDA1543 in pbc for sell at this web site:

SSWONG 發表於 2007-1-22 14:49:34 | 只看該作者

ok thanks, i saw there is blank board sell in china www.lite8.com so i thought HK will sell it too....
dcastle16 發表於 2007-1-24 10:10:53 | 只看該作者
dear all,
:cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:
Once again my cdp having problem after I changed back BB2604 op-amp, yesterday I was tried to install the origanal op-amp (BB2604) and the cdp totally can't be switch on, the tray was ejected but there is no display from the screen. At last I install the AD797 after I tried for a few times, the cdp was not so reliable, first few times it's also given problem until this morning I try, it's still not perform as normal. The problem now is sometimes it's working sometimes it's can't be switch on, I have to on and off for few time only it's able to be switch on.

I have no idea which path of the cdp is giving problem since I used back the BB2604 it's also can't be switch on.  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:  :?:
SSWONG 發表於 2007-1-24 15:16:30 | 只看該作者

When it can switch on, is the display ok?

check all the connection (i found this type of china made board not reliable, the most u dissemble n assemble than more problem...), check your cdp ribbon cable connection and use multimeter to check the ribbon cable. There is 1 time i found 3 cable insdie the ribbon cable break but can't observer visually, it is a haie line break... so some time can play sometime can't....
kin111kin 發表於 2007-1-24 19:06:39 | 只看該作者
SSWONG 發表於 2007-1-25 09:39:30 | 只看該作者

u r right, so arharder use 2 pieces 797 mount on a board with adapter.

So what system are you using now?
kin111kin 發表於 2007-1-25 21:33:16 | 只看該作者
老爺機,金仔E202,飛記cd950(OPA627BP*4,換電容和1ppm clock),AR 11
電腦用安橋聲卡>麗特DAC-AM(OPA627BP*+4OPA627AM*4,換電容和1ppm clock)>NAD3020E>CHANIO(換分音電容,箱內接線)
聽講隻Musiland MD10好勁,CD66勁摩$5000元後都輸條街,而且還未摩改,唔知LITE 72(一聽難忘版)同佢有無得輝?我用緊LITE DAC AM,同PHILIPS CD950只能打成平手
SSWONG 發表於 2007-1-26 12:47:53 | 只看該作者
在HIFI,很多老机分分钟比新机好(尤其是一些硬体的用料), 而小磨之后表现更好。。
ozrayyau 發表於 2007-1-26 19:34:25 | 只看該作者
[quote:52b42c4bf2="kin111kin"]老爺機,金仔E202,飛記cd950(OPA627BP*4,換電容和1ppm clock),AR 11
電腦用安橋聲卡>麗特DAC-AM(OPA627BP*+4OPA627AM*4,換電容和1ppm clock)>NAD3020E>CHANIO(換分音電容,箱內接線)
聽講隻Musiland MD10好勁,CD66勁摩$5000元後都輸條街,而且還未摩改,唔知LITE 72(一聽難忘版)同佢有無得輝?我用緊LITE DAC AM,同PHILIPS CD950只能打成平手[/quote]
大改68都輸比MD10,Lite AM?算啦 8)
kin111kin 發表於 2007-1-27 13:31:44 | 只看該作者
ozrayyau 發表於 2007-1-27 19:56:26 | 只看該作者
我有個朋友,佢架68改了荷蘭*吹喇叭*6DJ8,Hovland output Caps,Black Gate 水塘同機內接線。我攞咗我架未改MD10去比佢試,點知比佢扣留,然後仲比返錢我 :x ,佢話好多地方部68都輸,除咗音樂感,過幾日陳生改好架MD10,只改水塘,再比佢試,呢次佢比返3樣野我,之前架MD10(佢要咗新嗰架) / 改Caps錢 / 同架68,叫我攪掂(賣)佢 : 依家68一無是處 8)
我相信名廠依然好好聲,不過比多5/6陪錢,得10%左右(可能更小 :wink: )好聲過MD10,我諗你識點做 :idea:
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