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[出售] 拉美利斯:拉丁美洲彌撒 Ariel Ramirez: Misa Criolla

samuelsum 發表於 2008-3-25 17:57:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
牌子: 菲利普 Philips
價錢: $480

拉美利斯:拉丁美洲彌撒 (未開封)
[Ariel Ramirez: Misa Criolla]
卡雷拉斯男高音, 拉美利斯指揮(Jose Carreras, Ariel Ramirez)
Philips 420955-2數碼錄音, 西德版 (鐵芯版)
狀態:A ++ (未開封, 原廠包裝)
專業推介:Stereophile - R2D4, CD聖經推薦, 日本Stereo sound推薦

...市場少有, 唔知賣幾錢, 信和有人二手都咁賣法, 還一陣就俾人買o左 Ariel Ramirez: Misa Criolla (Sealed)
Jose Carreras, Ariel Ramirez
Philips 420955-2Digital Recording, West Germany Pressing (Silver Core)
Conditions: A ++ (Factory Sealed)
Professional Recommendation(s): Stereophile - R2D4, CD Bible(HK), Stereo Sound (Japan)

...Not sure whether it is the fair price, with reference to a 2nd-hand shop in Sino Shopping Centre (Mongkok, HK)

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