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goldlighta 發表於 2006-6-5 01:20:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
影 and 音質素如何?
andrewhifi 發表於 2006-6-5 22:04:39 | 只看該作者
I bought Eason Live DVD. Compare with Hacken Live, this one is better -  Clear and HD. But I don't understand why Universal Music has not release seperate two difference DVD like Hacken - one without karaoke. If this Eason DVD has not a karaoke and unnecessary audio (DTS is ok, no need DTS-ES and DD-EX) function. This DVD must be better than Hacken live DVD 30-40% at less. DTS-ES and DD-EX are using more space in DVD disc.

Anyway, I wish Universal Music can consider to release (HD-DVD) of Hacken and Eason live  ASAP. HD-DVD can absoluate record the HD making concert.

DVD is just a "Rubbish" and waste all production companies using a time to record a excellence sound and picture.
 樓主| goldlighta 發表於 2006-6-9 16:58:25 | 只看該作者
thanks for your comment, let me goto shop see see sin
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