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alfcat 發表於 2008-10-13 23:05:23 | 顯示全部樓層

我自己較為喜歡 DIY. 原因: 1. 可以 anytime 試唔同的東西. 2. 始終價錢較平. 3. 當然是 DIY 的樂趣.

我不是說買原裝線是不智, 千萬不要誤會. 原裝線好多時有保值, DIY 就唔係咁易.  DIY 的過癮之處是你可以一路改善自己的工夫 .... 這是 DIY 的好處.

試過幫同事做線, 一班人聽完之後(事前唔話佢知是什麼線)都覺得自己做的為好. 用了 $ 600 左右, 好過條 $ 1,xxx 的. 但這不代表所有 DIY 線都比廠線好. 我覺得線是要配合器材的. 這套機用這套線唔好聲, 但另一套線可以好好聲.

個人來說, 我不會用多過 15% 機價來買線 .... :wink:  

alfcat 發表於 2008-10-14 16:12:48 | 顯示全部樓層
For coaxial, I have tried Canare 75 Ohms as well. Very nice at that price. However, I can't find Canare plugs.

For RCA 過機線, I am using Audio Quest King Cobra DIY. If you don't use the battery, it won't sound too good. If you charge it up with a 72V battery for >12 hours, you can for sure hear the difference.

alfcat 發表於 2008-10-14 22:12:26 | 顯示全部樓層

King Cobra can be found at  永盛 in Sham Shui Po.

舊電是我自己整的, ha..ha.. 72V. 你可以好容易在鴨記買到12V 一粒的電, 好細的, GP 出. 6 粒合埋就72 V. 也可以用 48V, 自己 choose.

King Cobra 內有4條線. 無記錯透明那條是 Signal 用. 有方向之分.

alfcat 發表於 2008-10-15 09:14:57 | 顯示全部樓層

No, the battery is Lithium 12V each. No need to recharge. The battery pack can last for over 2 years.

See this thread of mine in creating the battery:

Second thread I posted on the arrangement:

As I have said there are FOUR wires inside the King Cobra. Use the Transparent one for Signal. The Black for Signal Ground. The Red for +72 and the silver one as -72.

If you want further instructions, send an email to achan@sjc.edu.hk and I will post you the diagram.

alfcat 發表於 2008-10-15 23:42:54 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Autumnleafcat,

To tell you a little secret here. I was going to THROW away the Audioquest Diamond back just before I decided to try the battery thing.

As you have said, sound was DULL and quite sound stage is narrow. My colleagues told me about the battery and asked whether I know how it is done. I am not a Physics man so I consulted my Physics colleague. His sharing confirmed my theory and so I go ahead and try it out. The first few hours, no big differences. I left it there for > 15 hours and then come back again. Unbelievable!

I haven't try the 24V, 48V yet. I did make some for my colleagues.

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