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williechu 發表於 2008-10-13 16:45:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
同理想請問,厡廠線好d?‘還是自己在鴨記剪條幾十蚊一尺的(號稱)起高純度銀線來diy會d? 在鴨記剪條線不過幾百銀,那些賣2千幾蚊的原廠線是不是真的有超班效果而值得用2-3千蚊去買條線呢?


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 樓主| williechu 發表於 2008-10-13 17:02:01 | 只看該作者



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 樓主| williechu 發表於 2008-10-13 17:06:55 | 只看該作者

alfcat 發表於 2008-10-13 23:05:23 | 只看該作者

我自己較為喜歡 DIY. 原因: 1. 可以 anytime 試唔同的東西. 2. 始終價錢較平. 3. 當然是 DIY 的樂趣.

我不是說買原裝線是不智, 千萬不要誤會. 原裝線好多時有保值, DIY 就唔係咁易.  DIY 的過癮之處是你可以一路改善自己的工夫 .... 這是 DIY 的好處.

試過幫同事做線, 一班人聽完之後(事前唔話佢知是什麼線)都覺得自己做的為好. 用了 $ 600 左右, 好過條 $ 1,xxx 的. 但這不代表所有 DIY 線都比廠線好. 我覺得線是要配合器材的. 這套機用這套線唔好聲, 但另一套線可以好好聲.

個人來說, 我不會用多過 15% 機價來買線 .... :wink:  

samsonli 發表於 2008-10-14 05:40:56 | 只看該作者
I use the same one as you, too bright for my system. and hard to make directional cable too.
samuelsum 發表於 2008-10-14 09:26:41 | 只看該作者
AQ好o野來...買廠線有二手價值, 但我買廠會買二手
主要搵好特別既, 例如絕版日立6n的訊號線, 但spk線未曾在二手市場見過 (日本都未)

我都有diy AQ, 都幾抵玩, 本來只抱一試無妨的心態
用緊2x蚊一尺的, 要注意自己造線時, 要用返廠方suggest的長度 (有部份廠唔會講, AQ就係其中一個, 是一位朋友可以直接响美國問返來的)
AQ / canare = multiple of 1m
belden 應是multiple of 3尺

加埋canare 75ohm頭, 再買個cheap鉗200內

總計: (25x4) + (35x2) + 200 = 370 (應該平過依個數)

點解唔去試下  :?:  平價又好聲的diy digital cable, 可考慮canare / belden...唔記得咩價...去鴨記華x 睇下, 佢有個平鉗賣
accphoto 發表於 2008-10-14 12:54:51 | 只看該作者
如果是 DIY Digital 線, 我會 suggest 用 Canare 75ohms + Canare 頭,300-400元 攪點,效果唔會俾呢的線差。如果唔係就買的貴的 Digital 線。
alfcat 發表於 2008-10-14 16:12:48 | 只看該作者
For coaxial, I have tried Canare 75 Ohms as well. Very nice at that price. However, I can't find Canare plugs.

For RCA 過機線, I am using Audio Quest King Cobra DIY. If you don't use the battery, it won't sound too good. If you charge it up with a 72V battery for >12 hours, you can for sure hear the difference.

 樓主| williechu 發表於 2008-10-14 18:39:27 | 只看該作者

Sam_Sam師兄提到的$200cheap cheap鉗仔,我聽講過canare插頭是六角形(安裝線心的部分),所以最好是用回原廠的鉗(六角形,剛好可以fit到)唔知係米真呢?如果要買原廠鉗,又在哪裡有售? 幾多錢?
 樓主| williechu 發表於 2008-10-14 19:19:00 | 只看該作者
[quote:b30a233496="alfcat"]For coaxial, I have tried Canare 75 Ohms as well. Very nice at that price. However, I can't find Canare plugs.

For RCA 過機線, I am using Audio Quest King Cobra DIY. If you don't use the battery, it won't sound too good. If you charge it up with a 72V battery for >12 hours, you can for sure hear the difference.


我在圖書館的音響雜誌裡看過Audio Quest線,我都知佢唔簡單(知D唔知Dla~),都好想整返條玩吓,請問在哪裡可以買到Audio Quest King Cobra ,那battery是不是在原廠銀上那枚長方形的東西?又在那裡有售呢?大概幾多錢?還有線身又要多長才合廠方標準?
kk_ho 發表於 2008-10-14 20:31:35 | 只看該作者
Asking my friend Small Chan, comment below:

Total $ of the cable should be 15% of your total $ of your equipment.

If your system is 50,000 (Speaker + Amp + CD)

Your speaker cable + power cord (amp, CD), + signal cable should be around $7,500.

It is for non-Diy figure.

Assume compoennts cost is around 1/3 of end sell price.

Say, you should use $2,500 for those cable if you need DIY.

Exceed this limit, the difference is not too large due to the limitation on your system.
 樓主| williechu 發表於 2008-10-14 21:01:26 | 只看該作者
[quote:7effa60707="kk_ho"]Asking my friend Small Chan, comment below:

Total $ of the cable should be 15% of your total $ of your equipment.

If your system is 50,000 (Speaker + Amp + CD)

Your speaker cable + power cord (amp, CD), + signal cable should be around $7,500.

It is for non-Diy figure.

Assume compoennts cost is around 1/3 of end sell price.

Say, you should use $2,500 for those cable if you need DIY.

Exceed this limit, the difference is not too large due to the limitation on your system.[/quote]

O~ 明白晒.如果這樣計算,當我diy線材時,線材價值應該大概是system的5-15%就足夠la.
autumnleaf 發表於 2008-10-14 22:07:01 | 只看該作者
In my experience, good cables convey 100% performance of your equipments, regardless of your equipment cost. I used to brought my cables to my friend's home to play around. The result told me even the amp is cheaper than the cable itself, the amp still shine through. You know better your amp characteristics with decent cables ...

List of equipments and cables on that day:

My friend's owned cables:
Taralab The One interconnect (D/A->pre),
NBS (forgot the model) power cord (D/A).
Zu Mother II power cord X 2 (pre and transport)
(forgot the model of digital cable)
XLO (forgot the model) power cord (*)
DIY green Cello interconnect (*)
Kimber cable (forgot the model) interconnect (*)
AudioQuest Midnight Blue speaker cable Bi-wire (*)
(* = replaced from the system)

Cables I brought:
Stage III Concept monument 1.5m interconnect (preamp -> power amp)
Audioquest Volcano DBS (speaker cable)
Analysis Plus Silver Oval Interconnect 1.5m (*)
(* = tested but not use)

My friend's equipments:
PS Audio Lamda transport
PS Audio UltraLink D/A
Audio Research LS7 preamp (mod to have IEC power socket)
Audio Research VT-60 KT88 X 4 50W X 2 (use original power cord)
ProAc Tablette 2000 signature
Foundation Designer stand
Solid steel series 5 rack

My friend had never upgraded his system for more than 10 years because his system was thouroughly break-in and gives stunning bass from the small book-shelf speaker that I cannot believe . However, meanwhile, he had upgraded his cables several times. Because his system is quite sensitive to show off the sound improvement on replacing cables. Even some cables cost as much as his Audio Research LS7 preamp. He uses cables to fine-tuned his desired taste.
alfcat 發表於 2008-10-14 22:12:26 | 只看該作者

King Cobra can be found at  永盛 in Sham Shui Po.

舊電是我自己整的, ha..ha.. 72V. 你可以好容易在鴨記買到12V 一粒的電, 好細的, GP 出. 6 粒合埋就72 V. 也可以用 48V, 自己 choose.

King Cobra 內有4條線. 無記錯透明那條是 Signal 用. 有方向之分.

autumnleaf 發表於 2008-10-14 22:30:18 | 只看該作者
This is the philosophy of hifi system build up:

Select your dream equipments, thouroughly break-in, further enhance system performance by proper cable matching, stop it, left the money for software, don't think any upgrade, enjoy it rest of your life .......
 樓主| williechu 發表於 2008-10-14 23:38:51 | 只看該作者

King Cobra can be found at  永盛 in Sham Shui Po.

舊電是我自己整的, ha..ha.. 72V. 你可以好容易在鴨記買到12V 一粒的電, 好細的, GP 出. 6 粒合埋就72 V. 也可以用 48V, 自己 choose.

King Cobra 內有4條線. 無記錯透明那條是 Signal 用. 有方向之分.


充電池?米又要買個充電器? 另外,條電配咩頭好呢? 這樣製線,大約要幾錢呢?仲有電池同條線之間如何聯系呢?
 樓主| williechu 發表於 2008-10-15 00:07:36 | 只看該作者
[quote:bbe5eaa6a9="autumnleafcat"]This is the philosophy of hifi system build up:

Select your dream equipments, thouroughly break-in, further enhance system performance by proper cable matching, stop it, left the money for software, don't think any upgrade, enjoy it rest of your life .......[/quote]

講得好有道理wo!~ 不過經過呢次金融海嘯, :? 要忍吓先.
alfcat 發表於 2008-10-15 09:14:57 | 只看該作者

No, the battery is Lithium 12V each. No need to recharge. The battery pack can last for over 2 years.

See this thread of mine in creating the battery:

Second thread I posted on the arrangement:

As I have said there are FOUR wires inside the King Cobra. Use the Transparent one for Signal. The Black for Signal Ground. The Red for +72 and the silver one as -72.

If you want further instructions, send an email to achan@sjc.edu.hk and I will post you the diagram.

samuelsum 發表於 2008-10-15 10:49:49 | 只看該作者

Sam_Sam師兄提到的$200cheap cheap鉗仔,我聽講過canare插頭是六角形(安裝線心的部分),所以最好是用回原廠的鉗(六角形,剛好可以fit到)唔知係米真呢?如果要買原廠鉗,又在哪裡有售? 幾多錢?[/quote]

咁多msg, 幾乎睇唔到, 但有我個名, 咁要回應下

要買原廠鉗, 可以去華輝及雅歌問, 叫佢幫你訂 - 但未必會幫
但我跟其中一店的師傅都算熟, 只高中已經幫襯佢, 佢話會幫我訂, 但同我講去出邊買個平鉗都夠用...
價錢, 因為要經佢訂, 因人而已; 我唔方便講我有咩價

我用個唔洗200的平鉗, 都幫人+自己鉗o左十幾條線, 未有過問題

教我的人, 就是kk sir啦
samuelsum 發表於 2008-10-15 10:53:30 | 只看該作者
[quote:a5482297e7="kk_ho"]Asking my friend Small Chan, comment below:

Total $ of the cable should be 15% of your total $ of your equipment.

If your system is 50,000 (Speaker + Amp + CD)

Your speaker cable + power cord (amp, CD), + signal cable should be around $7,500.

It is for non-Diy figure.

Assume compoennts cost is around 1/3 of end sell price.

Say, you should use $2,500 for those cable if you need DIY.

Exceed this limit, the difference is not too large due to the limitation on your system.[/quote]

kk sir, 細陳咁闊佬, 用到15%

我响英國既時候, 大部份hifi雜誌, 只讚成10%左右; 不過又引申另一問題

香港的線價, 好多時比英國貴, 所以加返5% - 但都可能未必夠
(日本的線, 香港舖頭唔算貴; 但歐美配件, 有時代理食水好深)
SSWONG 發表於 2008-10-15 11:25:36 | 只看該作者
Anybody here had DIY the double helix silver interconnect as recommended in VH Audio


I had made 2 pair, it is quite good.

The material i use slightly different, i use mundorf silver gold cable on signal, cu plated wire on ground and i add aluminium foil shielding.
autumnleaf 發表於 2008-10-15 16:06:32 | 只看該作者
I treat cables as equipment because they change the whole system performance in the same degree as replacing equipments. And the market price of branded cable reflects the value how effective the cable being into the formula of sound improvement. Certainly you won't loss your music enjoyment without a decent cable. The market reality is that 10% rise of improvement cost 90% rise of investment.

Some branded cables have too strong their sonic signiture that suit special requirement. Let say if a customer wants more sweet or bass in his system and a particular cable can give him more sweet or bass, then it can charge the customer premium, because this cable inject life into his system or solve his problem. And this is also the reality of pricing theory in the market. Certainly some is affected by "sin 稿".

DIY cable is a good idea if you can source high quality material and have appropriate skill. Just like if you got decent cap, OPT, 300B, it is possible constructing your own amp beating down branded model.

Dear alfcat,

I had tried to "unplug" the battery from my AQ speaker cable. It was really day and night. Without the battery, the sound slow and lack life. With the battery on, the sound became dynamic and had colour on individual instrument. The sound stage was obviously widened.

But the voltage of battery affects the nature of sound. With the 72V upgrade by Radar, the sound becomes too fast in transient that make me nervious. So at last I switch it back to original 24V for right timing.
SSWONG 發表於 2008-10-15 16:55:21 | 只看該作者
Agree with ALC!

Cable really play important role....a suitable speaker cable & interconnect really can give different life to the system...but comercial good cable too expensive....
alfcat 發表於 2008-10-15 23:42:54 | 只看該作者
Dear Autumnleafcat,

To tell you a little secret here. I was going to THROW away the Audioquest Diamond back just before I decided to try the battery thing.

As you have said, sound was DULL and quite sound stage is narrow. My colleagues told me about the battery and asked whether I know how it is done. I am not a Physics man so I consulted my Physics colleague. His sharing confirmed my theory and so I go ahead and try it out. The first few hours, no big differences. I left it there for > 15 hours and then come back again. Unbelievable!

I haven't try the 24V, 48V yet. I did make some for my colleagues.

autumnleaf 發表於 2008-10-18 02:34:39 | 只看該作者
Dear alfcat,

其實我鐘意 Taralab 多 D, 只係玩唔起, AQ 既定位無 Taralab 咁sharp同準,

個人認為 Taralab 會 neutral 過 AQ, AQ 有少少厚道, 但分析力差少少,

尤其係 AQ 喇叭線帶少少甜, 所以 AQ 聽 Jazz, Brass 同"牛根" 會幾 "lum",

AQ 個 sound stage 闊但係假闊, instrument 件頭比例大, 所以形成假闊,

AQ 高頻無 Taralab 咁去得盡, 聽 Jazz 無問題, 但聽 violin 感覺少少硬 ...

AQ 喇叭線有 D harmonic incompleteness, 不過 AQ interconnect 好好多.
autumnleaf 發表於 2008-10-18 03:32:43 | 只看該作者
希望講出泥唔會比 AQ fans 打, 可能新款 AQ 線係無舊款線咁多低頻,

我有 keep 住 AQ 第一代頂級 Clear 喇叭線, 成五蚊銀咁粗, 裡面 12 條獨立絕緣銅線, 每條約 AWG 16 ...

新 AQ 恐怕無一條喇叭線既銅 per unit cross-sectional area 粗過佢 ...

我有同 volcano 交換驗證過, 結果係 Clear 低頻贏, 細節 volcano 贏 ...

昔日線王 Clear 可能重贏今日唔少貴喇叭線, 但價錢只係今日 D 線既幾分一,

以前條 clear 搭 Acoustic Energy AE1 成個 sound stage 浮出泥 ...
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