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2008 7月-12月 第12項課程召集 - (12) 高級揚聲器製作班 (開始正式報名)

cyrus 發表於 2008-8-29 15:41:19 | 顯示全部樓層
Dear Admin and KK Sir,

Pls advise the total cost for a "KK 簽名版", any chance to test it?

*** Quote ***


I've seen there is a "KK 簽名版 = HiFiFever Office Version" Proac 1SC speaker,

// YES, correct.

may I know what is the difference from the default one?

// Default one = H702 driver. Need notch filter (30uF+10R+0.68mH).
簽名版, no need notch filter but the price of the woofer is expensive.

Can I upgrade from default version to "KK簽名版" , will be how much?

// Please ask amin@hififever.com

*** Unquote ***
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