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sps80 testing report

ackcheng 發表於 2006-10-20 08:58:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
在無負載時輸出有 120多V
在負載電流 0.2 A時,輸出電壓118.3V
在負載電流 3.7 A時,輸出電壓仍保持在118V 左右,不過隨隨著溫度昇高,電壓也在大約30分鐘後昇至 121V。這時鋁板溫度 62度,Inrush limiter 温度約70度,輸入電解 680uF電容也頗熱,估計有 40幾度,那3300uF 電容只發出微温,火牛也是很熱的,估計有五十幾度。

下圖那些是 170Khz Pluse,明顯是來自那85Khz 電源橋式整流後的,加上單邊Choke後分別不大,波幅大概是2V 左右,但正負各加一只Choke,Pluse確是明顯減少,再在兩個Choke後並上一只0.47u電容,Pluse就更少,而且170khz已遠離人耳可聽見的頻率範圍,因此不應有什麼影響了。在負載 3.7A時火牛開始發出噪音,但只是很少的噪音,據報這火牛芯是特別設計成鬆鬆的,所以有點聲音也是正常的。

在煲機約 30分鐘後關機,不過就不能再開機,差不多半個小時後才可以再開。這是因為組模過熱,觸發了保謢電路,若用在後級上不至於長期用上這麼大的負載,只要把模組按裝在機箱上散熱,問題應可解決,若用在A類機身上想必要加上風扇才行。



kf323 發表於 2006-10-24 19:06:07 | 只看該作者
ackcheng hing, are you using it to power the UcD400 modules? If so, how do you find it compared with linear power supply? Do you mind sharing your experience?
 樓主| ackcheng 發表於 2006-10-25 00:52:33 | 只看該作者
I found the bass with SPS80 tighter, faster and more punchy. But the linear power supply gives a smoother less fatique kind of sound
kf323 發表於 2006-10-25 06:03:37 | 只看該作者
achcheng hing, thx for the reply. I plan to use a very simple psu - toroid with dual secondaries, dual bridges, 2 x 10,000uf filter caps per rail (no bypass caps either for the rectifiers or the filter caps, no snubbers, no bleeder resistors). Bruno seems to favour a simple psu.

I have not yet settled on the actual choice of the rectifiers and filter caps. For the rectifiers, I may use MBR10100 x 8 or IXYS bridges x 2. Caps may be Epcos Sikorel or Jensen 4-pole (or BHC if I can find them). What do you think of this setup? Did you end up with Coldamp SPS80 or a linear power supply? If it's the latter, what are your component choices? Many thanks.
 樓主| ackcheng 發表於 2006-10-25 17:49:34 | 只看該作者
I think both rectifiers you mentioned are good. For filtering caps i tried RIFA but not good. Now I am using hypex stock power supply with BHC slit foil. I also tried Sikorel and is really good. I already have 2 mono UCD400AD with linear power supply. I am now building a HT system so I want to use SPS80.

In fact, I have 2 x 1500W transformers already for (UCD400) but it is too big for me. If you want I can also sell it to you!

BTW, I think it is safer to use bleeder resistors.
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