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TommyKK 發表於 2008-6-27 12:31:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
大家好, 我對音響的知識比較貧乏. 希望各位發燒友可以提供一些資料比我, thx!

在高價的音響品牌中, 有邊d 係最出名, 最多人買的???
簡音響的時候, 要注意d 咩 ?? (如果不需要考慮錢的問題)
我成日聽人講起KEF lee 個brand, 好唔好ga?? 貴唔貴??

因為真係唔識, 希望各位教下我. 多謝晒~~~~
kk_ho 發表於 2008-6-28 01:50:41 | 只看該作者

Re: 音響的牌子

KK try to ans your questions:

在高價的音響品牌中, 有邊d 係最出名, 最多人買的???
高價的音響 =/= 最多人買的
Like NVIDIA GFX card, GT200 just a reference, to get a highest benchmark in the world, actually, the focus market should be low-mid and mid-high level market.

簡音響的時候, 要注意d 咩 ?? (如果不需要考慮錢的問題)
Safety, simple and nature.

我成日聽人講起KEF lee 個brand, 好唔好ga?? 貴唔貴??
For the entry level,  below 2K
For the pro-reference level, should be 100K +

1. Set up your goal. (Taste, budget)
2. How many gear need to buy? What is the major and the minor.
3. Floor planning.
4. Forecast (how many year to use?)
5. Installation and calibration technique.
6. Upgradable / modification (Option)

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