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電容一問 / Question about Capacitors

alfcat 發表於 2007-10-2 18:38:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

如電源處理應用那一類? 什麼牌子好? 其次是什麼牌子 ...
濾波應用那一類? 什麼牌子好?

希望各位大哥賜教 ....
DUALXEON 發表於 2007-10-4 11:11:37 | 只看該作者
Cat Sir


 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2007-10-4 08:34:21 | 只看該作者
DualXeon 兄,

請問亞九哥是否一個叫 "DynamicDog" 或近似的 brother?
 樓主| alfcat 發表於 2007-10-3 20:44:15 | 只看該作者

Thanks for your information. Along the way of DIY, we always come to the point we have to make a tough decision --- what capacitors to use. It is so sad to see Black Gate finally stopped production and the negotiation to continue its operation gone dead.

Your information is valuable in a sense you are able to tell which brand provides what kind of "touch" to the music; soft, details, Hi Fi, etc.  Many thanks.
SSWONG 發表於 2007-10-3 12:34:16 | 只看該作者

generally electrostatic cap (film cap) has lower loss, faster response than electrolytic (e-cap). Unfortunately, film cap has low capacitance. for >10uF its size will be quite large. so for >10uF normally will use ecap except in speaker where speaker got more space to allocate it.

In powre section noramally 47uf/100uF and so on is use, thus ecap is always the 1st choice (size).
In power side, here my own opinion (for the cap i had use)

1) BG- high detail, high resolution, soilid bass, sound neutral/slightly thin but musical, low noise BUT expensive.

2) Jensen - warmer than BG, elna & bhc, but less detail than BG, so
fter bass , good for those vocal lover. Jensen 2pole warmer than jensen 4pole.

3) BC- slightly blur & less detail than than BG, warmer than BG but not as warm as jensen. Bass elastic -->softer than BG but more elastic than jensen.

4) Elna cerafine/silmic- less detail, higher noise than BG. bass quantity ok but fat & soft.

5) rubycon zl -- high detail n resolution at hf but harsh & thin. suite those dark old system. not suit those vocal lover.

6) ROE - soft , warm & elastic but less detail/resolution (another choice of warm vocal)

For power side, my personal 1st choise is BG, 2nd choice is either jensen or BC depend on system.

for dull/dark system which is lack of blur & too warm, BG & rubycon(cheaper choice) is suitable.

For too anlytical (very high detail/resolution) system then jensen/BC can be a better choice.
DUALXEON 發表於 2007-10-3 08:55:35 | 只看該作者
Cat Sir


順便可問電阻.好像 5ppm 0.01% 我都是識了此君才知及見識到.不過小心比毒死.

accphoto 發表於 2007-10-2 23:14:59 | 只看該作者


電容的種類得多 有電解,油浸Cap, MKT( Metallized Film) , 等等,

電解一般都用在電源,當然亦有人用 MKT油浸cap 在電源,但一般都用在交連.每一種電容都有他的聲底,並不是三言兩語可以說清,而且每個人都有不同的喜好。我玩了DIY 都有一段時間,個人的感覺可以歸納如下,別人不一定同意 :
交連 : Kimber 高音比較利,不過古董system, 音色中和一下亦不錯, Solen 音色比較溶,做音箱的電容比較合適。WIMA 中音厚,但高低頻伸展有限,似乎合石機多一點。 MIT Multicap, 比較 hifi.如果平衡度比較好的, Jensen 是不錯的,它是油cap, 所以高音比較滑。致於電解方面,我認為 Philips ( 現在是 BC) 低音比較肥,如果 錢不是問題的話,一定是 black Gate Heart of Muse 系列,不過可惜已停產。其實最重要的還是配答吧,看家中的系統須要甚麼,調和一下。
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