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cowegg 發表於 2006-3-1 01:12:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
近期想買一部立體聲的amp,出去看過下,有兩部amp看中的,一部是安橋的A-1VL,另一部是AUDIO LAB的8000S,我現在用緊天龍的2805的,看的兩部AMP都是可以比天龍用做後級,(因為想用一條喇叭線就OK,唔使轉來轉去),喇叭就用緊JM LAB的707S,我大約打算在7000蚊左右買AMP,請問各位大佬那一部比較好呢!?仲有冇其他選擇??謝謝!!
heero 發表於 2007-7-25 06:30:27 | 只看該作者
[quote:64e0b8e63b="cowegg"]即是說看看d二手野可能有好野是嗎??很久前我上過太子聯合廣場上面四樓有一間買二手音響的,那一間野ok嗎??是否我可以上去看下!? :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:[/quote]

Hi-Fi products are generally good if they are used, and properly taken care of.
My current setup consists of old components but I enjoy them tremendously. I believe they are all over 10 years old except for my Focus Audio FS-68SE, which was new when I purchased them.

I strongly suggest that you find a moderately priced UK stereo amp for stereo music reproduction. After years of listening to tube gear, I find HT receivers are pretty good, but not outstanding. So, the best thing to do is to use the pure direct function on your Denon, and use a pair of quality analog interconnects, and feed the signal to a good power amp 50 to 100 w.

Also, please pay some attention to power filtering and power cords, they can do some really nice things to your listening experience. (clearer soundstage, blacker background, more dynamics and low level details)

If you'd like to share more information, we can discuss a little more.
Good listening.  

//My current setup
Classe Audio Thirty Preamp w/ Phono
Classe Audio CDP-0.5
Audio Note P-Zero Monoblocks
Clearaudio Emotion Turntable w/ Satisfy & Benz Micro ACE L
Focus Audio FS-68SE

Power and Cables-
PS Audio Duet
Analysis Plus/Nordost/VDH/Siltech/Apogee IC's and Power Cords//
SSWONG 發表於 2006-9-29 16:21:28 | 只看該作者

If u can get a 2nd hand German made RESTK CHALLENGER should be not bad. I personally feel that it is better than audio lab 8000S. It's 130W output is sufficient for a lot speaker.
ddesignlab 發表於 2006-3-3 02:33:19 | 只看該作者
It's....difficult to say, I think you can search the 2nd market on net, 2nd shop you need to research more because they will catch the fish with their eyes. You must lock the focus on several brands and models to find it, that's why I suggest you to research more and then you may learn more. Some people also want to sell the things which has problems with black heart, you may beware and test the power amp carefully, with invoice must better. If you find the amp in shop , need to get the 7 day testing and test it carefully. If you walk arround and want to know which is good, you can mail to me and I reply you by mail. It's doesn't matter.
 樓主| cowegg 發表於 2006-3-2 20:55:03 | 只看該作者
即是說看看d二手野可能有好野是嗎??很久前我上過太子聯合廣場上面四樓有一間買二手音響的,那一間野ok嗎??是否我可以上去看下!? :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:  :roll:
ddesignlab 發表於 2006-3-2 16:30:41 | 只看該作者
Chinese product's component may not be choosen the best one, so can't last for long time and get many QC problem.
ddesignlab 發表於 2006-3-2 11:30:35 | 只看該作者
As my opinion power amp over 10K will get more stable and balance, so you can find some better 2nd power amp below $10K because it's 2nd.

Try to test it carefully if you buy 2nd things, if only below 4 years model, please do some research about this model have any problem, e.g. heat, component problem....in internet. Chinese product's component may be not the best one, so last  long time.
ddesignlab 發表於 2006-3-2 11:18:56 | 只看該作者

Re: 想買擴音機,唔知買那一隻好!!

[quote:ee5c93fb67="cowegg"]近期想買一部立體聲的amp,出去看過下,有兩部amp看中的,一部是安橋的A-1VL,另一部是AUDIO LAB的8000S,我現在用緊天龍的2805的,看的兩部AMP都是可以比天龍用做後級,(因為想用一條喇叭線就OK,唔使轉來轉去),喇叭就用緊JM LAB的707S,我大約打算在7000蚊左右買AMP,請問各位大佬那一部比較好呢!?仲有冇其他選擇??謝謝!![/quote]

Serious to say, if you want to find a new good musical amp in $7000 , you may disappoint about the sound control and not good for vocal, Japan's AMP good in clear circuit, if really good Japan's amp, it may more expensive than foreign (mid-end)products, AUDIO LAB的8000S is classic circuit and in good comments for beignner. If you really spent $7000, only my suggestion, try to find some 2nd better brand, Half years ago I sold my 3 years model  PS audio HCA-2 150W with true balance intput only $7500 as new (I have seen this model sold $8500 in 2nd shop), (the new model of PS AUDIO 120W power amp need $2x,xxx), compare to audio lab it's totaly different class, as I saw that also has e.g. YBA...
Try research some better 2nd power amp arround your budget.

Components of foreign products can last long time, that means not easy to get problem after years, happy listening
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