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隔離台R3X D管理文化真係無得頂..大家睇睇呢段文章.. 評一評理..做個公正

heero 發表於 2007-7-26 12:31:17 | 顯示全部樓層
[quote:781d5c0cda="Booda"]傻o既. 5-12mm 都有得嘈. review33 班友真係最叻港式投訴, 搵o黎攪  :

張相都清楚見到係一條條木條o係入面, 人o地賣個hifi 架o即, 唔通改個spec 改data 都要出customer notification 咩 8)[/quote]

An honest audio manufacturer will not, and must not sell 'snake oil' product with 3rd class material and craftsmanship.

Specs and actual realization of design are equally important, and should be extremely well communicated.
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