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opa 627bp in MHZS cd33

 樓主| viewer 發表於 2006-11-28 10:51:53 | 只看該作者
hi windwsss,

1.Try to add oil between wheel and wheel of the leaser haed machine. it make it smooth. "click" sound may be occurred by this problem,
2.clean the leaser head may be dusty and dirty.

upon the above causes, the leaser cannot move at the right postion to read the cd.
If both cannot soft the problem. May be the control IC down.
SO must repair.
good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for sharing.
SSWONG 發表於 2006-11-28 11:03:58 | 只看該作者

now there is no dispaly show at all....

pls refer picture is this 470uF/35v cap have any effect on the cd head/reader? wht's its function? i incidently damage the pad while change cap... so i just use pass by wire to connect....


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 樓主| viewer 發表於 2006-11-28 11:28:04 | 只看該作者
Hi windwss,

Have you try my suggection and KK Ho's suggection?????

have you test the cap is under working or damaged?????
have you try to replace the new cap ????
This cap i think is for power supply.
I have this problem. when add oil and check the wheels and clean the leaser head, it is fine.
Also check all the cables connection.
Have you release the electricity from the new caps. because it may got the electricity, when you haven't release it, it may attacked the IC.

Thanks for sharing.
SSWONG 發表於 2006-11-28 11:54:31 | 只看該作者

thank for advise, will try out tonight!
by the way i'm not very understand KK ho's suggest,
may i know what the MCU? and what the VFD?
superwhite 發表於 2006-11-28 12:29:47 | 只看該作者

bring the cdp to my house, we check together, most is the supply voltage not reach the cd player,( i assume) so have to use meter to test the voltage. hei, your HP no service, cant get you.
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2006-11-28 12:34:12 | 只看該作者
hi windwss,

MCU is the Philip marked at you photo.

Thanks for sharing.
SSWONG 發表於 2006-11-28 12:37:26 | 只看該作者
Thank you all of you! very very thank you!
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2006-11-28 12:39:14 | 只看該作者
Hi windwss,

If checked overall is fine, that the problem occurred by the leaser head,
you may consider replace the leaser head or the motor of leaser head's machine or the wheel may broken.

Thanks for sharing.
superwhite 發表於 2006-11-28 19:04:16 | 只看該作者
Hi viewer,

i encounter 1 problem now, the relay not turning ON, no sound when CD is playing, i measure the VOLTAGE on the relay is only 4.6V, what counld it be? because of the 2 small transistor(BC337)? or other thing? PLS HELP!!!! :roll:

 樓主| viewer 發表於 2006-11-28 20:23:33 | 只看該作者

You sd the cdp can play the cd now but no sound,  Is it correct???

I think the 2 small transistor were problem.

superwhite 發表於 2006-11-28 20:36:33 | 只看該作者
Hi viewer,

now, not only WINDWSS cdp problem, is my cd33 problem
i have solder out to test the connectivity, no sorting, look o.k, n can you try on the voltage of the relay n let me know the voltage? look like the supply for the 2 small transistor having some problem

Thanks for helping
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2006-11-28 21:42:02 | 只看該作者
Hi superwhite,

Sorry I have no experience on relay.

You can ask K.K.HO. who is expert in this.
If relay no sorting it is no problem.
Have you have the cables (ground) connected with pcb's RCA outup is well or not.

superwhite 發表於 2006-11-28 23:17:12 | 只看該作者
Hi viewer,

the only problem is the relay NOT TRIGGER, n i measure the relay voltage only 5.6V, do you know which is relay power supply?

SSWONG 發表於 2006-11-29 09:17:01 | 只看該作者
Look like superwhite is my good brother! my cdp problem then his CDP also follow.

i had follow you&kk sir suggestion to unplug &replug the MCU, also clean the laser head, apply oin at gear&motor. But didn't check the VFD volatage since i'm not sure what is VFD?? can u guide me to check this voltage? VFD stand for?

The result:
1) Still no display but can play certain CD (shld be good CD or CD with thicker al layer & better reflection), the laser head will only scan & play certain slecteded CD. It will not scan & play most HK make pop song CD and totally will not play the clone CD.

2) The MCU will have a "tak" sound when it ready to start play CD, is it normal? how to check whtehr MCU is good?

3) If the player is off >several hour,  it will need ~2-3time try (mean eject & insert again) even for "good CD).

4) It seems that the laser head become quite sensitive to the CD, so is it laser head problem? or the change of e-cap can cause the head become sensitive?

Recently i had change opa5532 to opa2604, 3pcs 4700uF/25v,(last 2weeks)
2pcs 2200/16v, 2pcs1000/16v ecap, 1pcs 470uf/35v (last week) -problem happen afetr 3day these cap change.

Thank you.
SSWONG 發表於 2006-11-29 09:48:42 | 只看該作者

By the way, what's the proper way to clean the laser head??
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2006-11-29 11:04:15 | 只看該作者
Hi windwss,

I think your cdp's VDF was burn. call k.k.sir to help you.

Clean lease head:

use 火洒加水.塗在 cotton and clean the head

 樓主| viewer 發表於 2006-11-29 11:08:37 | 只看該作者
Hi superwhite,

I think the problem is caused by the relay, you try to replace it.

SSWONG 發表於 2006-11-29 11:20:03 | 只看該作者
[quote:00c99e85c1="viewer"]Hi windwss,

I think your cdp's VDF was burn. call k.k.sir to help you.

Clean lease head:

use 火洒加水.塗在 cotton and clean the head


I think so...will ceheck teh voltage of the VDF tonight...., but the VDF shouldn't disturb the CDP to play right?

Some article advise not to use 火洒 because it will damage the front layer of the lens, is it true?
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2006-11-29 19:45:16 | 只看該作者
Hi windwss,

It is true, but I suggest add water not oly 火洒.

superwhite 發表於 2006-11-29 22:07:49 | 只看該作者
Hi viewer,

Thanks for advice, i have send it to electronic shop to repair, so woundn't be able to listen maybe about 2MONTH!!!!!!!!    :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

but can you pls check for me the voltage for the relay? i have round with white colour, if cant measure, you can measure at the diode just beside of the relay, it actually same, thanks! :wink:

 樓主| viewer 發表於 2006-11-30 14:50:50 | 只看該作者
Hi superwhite,
i measure the relay voltage also 5.6V.

From your photd, I foumd that the silver cable which connected with the grounding on the pcb is look like not fixed.

I would like to know what modification before the cd33 no sound.

Thanks for sharing.
superwhite 發表於 2006-11-30 17:01:41 | 只看該作者
Hi viewer,

Oh shit, i have send the cd player to the shop, but i didn't know the voltage are so low..... :cry:  mean is the relay problem, bcoz i have connected the RCA to ground, n each RCA with individual ground cable.... even if take out the RCA cable it still work, right? :wink:

Thanks for sharing. :wink:
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2006-11-30 17:06:11 | 只看該作者
Hi superwhite,

If take out the ground cable it will not have sound.
I test before because un-complete curists.

superwhite 發表於 2006-11-30 17:28:20 | 只看該作者
Hi viewer,

Thanks, the cable actually is connected to ground, it just that when press the play button the relay wouldn't trigger, so it maybe the relay is DIE already, have to buy 1 unit to replace, but dont know which is good for the player. :roll:
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2006-12-1 11:18:51 | 只看該作者
Hi superwhite,

Japan brand is better e.g NEC.
Hope you cd will be re-covered early.

superwhite 發表於 2006-12-1 11:30:00 | 只看該作者
Hi viewer,

Thanks, maybe will get back the cdp today, bcoz there are not started to repair my cdp, so want to try change the relay see any different...... :wink:
SSWONG 發表於 2006-12-1 14:46:57 | 只看該作者

your 1 is relay die only....
my1 most probably the laser head die : (

thinking to DIY a proAc response 1sc, now do research on cabinet construction.....
superwhite 發表於 2006-12-1 19:45:23 | 只看該作者
Hi viewer,

Thanks for the voltage info, so that i can confirm is the RELAY die.... , i took back my cdp n check, confirm is the relay die, so replace 1pc used relay for temporary, i already order the NEC relay, n also i have change the plate voltage cap to BG FK series, previous is cerafine(100uf 100V) n also the tube coupling cap Mundorf silver oil to AN copper in oil, nice result more to MID n not so high note......  

the BG FK is BIG............(from left FK, cerafine , original rubycon, all 100uf 100V)

the AUDIO NOTE CAP :wink:

more pic to come......
Especially thanks to my master viewer for help..... :wink:  ARIGATO!


want meh, how about your cdp, you dont want to repair it before your built speaker???? :wink:

Thanks for sharing....
superwhite 發表於 2006-12-1 19:54:04 | 只看該作者

just order some cap ECA panasonic series, is a audio grade cap, i think is better then panasonic FC series. any 1 know about this?
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2006-12-1 21:23:42 | 只看該作者
hi Superwhite,

good news,
would you mind to post your prsent cdp for sharig.

superwhite 發表於 2006-12-1 21:25:13 | 只看該作者
Hi viewer,

for sure bro, will post some pic tomolo :wink:

Thanks for sharing.
superwhite 發表於 2006-12-2 18:16:31 | 只看該作者

, i still waiting another BG cap to arrived to give more report n PIC. :wink:  Sorry.... :roll:

the Panasonic FC cap look like more bass, but soft, not so punchy leh.....

some update PIC(putting 2 BG FK)
superwhite 發表於 2006-12-2 18:29:55 | 只看該作者
Hi viewer,

Update on the WINDWSS player, the LCD screen is back to normal, check found is bcoz of the one of the FUSE is blow, so replace it, the only problem know is reading cd..... hope can help him solve the problem. :roll:
superwhite 發表於 2006-12-3 10:56:16 | 只看該作者
Hi viewer,

i get some advice from DIY Shop to Mod the DAC part, that is change all the cap to BG n square light blue colour value 100nf, change to 0.1uf 50V BG NX-HIQ. will get better result, but just that have to wait for next year budget. :

also i have ask the shop about the clock, he said not much changes on sound, the best is change to clock with individual circuit n power supply, or just add 1 power supply for our clock will give better improvement. Bcoz clock need the EXTREME CLEAN SOURCES(power supply. But first need to know the voltage for the clock, any idea of the voltage?

Thanks for sharing. :wink:
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2006-12-3 11:37:24 | 只看該作者
Hi superwhite,
change all the cap to BG n square light blue colour value 100nf, change to 0.1uf 50V BG NX-HIQ. will get better result.
Answer is right but high costs. I think replace the resistors is better than change caps.

Individual circuit for clock is better than only change clock but not much different.
I also use individual circuit for clock in my DAC photo photo before bule colour pcb. but the cost is high. Th votalge for clock around 5v is ok. if for individual circuit for clock between 10v and 12v.

Thanks for sharing.
superwhite 發表於 2006-12-3 13:40:32 | 只看該作者
Hi viewer,

Thanks for advice, it only DIY shop said, this i have to think twice bfore can process. any one have try out to add 1 power supply for the clock? :wink:
SSWONG 發表於 2006-12-4 09:13:13 | 只看該作者
Hi Viewer & Superwhite,

I manage to fix my CDP problem on read the CD. Yesterday, i try to adjust the white button at the laser lense(can be turn clockwise or anti-clockwise) then it can read all the CD again.... i guess maybe after i change some ecap and it caus ethe voltage to the laser lense change so need to adjust teh white button for fine tune. then i do an experiment where i change some e-cap again n the same problem happen then i adjust the white button then it ok again.

May i know what exactly teh function of the white button at the back of the laser lens?
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2006-12-4 09:38:10 | 只看該作者
hi windwss,
the white botton an adjust the power of leaser head, you make the power high
so can read all cd la !!!!!!!!!!
don't make high power of leaser light to much, it may burn. be care.
In this condition your leaser head's life will be over coming half year, becare.
I suggect you buy one more leaser head for replacement later.

SSWONG 發表於 2006-12-4 10:28:15 | 只看該作者
thanks viewer,

what's the correct volatage to the laser head? if later i replace a new laser haed i will need to adjust it right?

Besides, any good model/brand for the replacement?
the replacement can be done by ouself right? just unplug the cable, unscrew the laser head & repalce it right?

 樓主| viewer 發表於 2006-12-4 11:37:28 | 只看該作者
Hi windwss,

If you replace the same model no need to adjust normally.

I thick you cdp's leaser head is used Sony KSS 213Q or KSS 213C.
the best for replacement is replaced the same model, which is marked on the white colour botton.
the replacement can be done by ouself right. just unplug the cable, unscrew the laser head & repalce it right.

SSWONG 發表於 2006-12-4 13:25:41 | 只看該作者

U r right, my laser head is KSS 213C.

I thought we can change it to a better brand like philips : (
 樓主| viewer 發表於 2006-12-4 13:30:09 | 只看該作者
Hi windwss,

must not can to philip leaser head.
because full set of leaser machine is sony and the control curcits is for sony.

superwhite 發表於 2006-12-4 15:02:54 | 只看該作者

woi!!!! how can change to philip, if like that every one change to philip, then sony will POK KAI loh! :  :  :  :
SSWONG 發表於 2006-12-4 15:27:56 | 只看該作者

another question:

refer to the picture, this 4 small cap is same value: 100uF/16V.
May i know which cap is couple witch which cap? i'm thinking to chnage 2 with elna (got 2 elna 100uf/50v) and 2 with ZL(100uF/100v).

is it A pair with B, and C pair with D??


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superwhite 發表於 2006-12-4 15:34:04 | 只看該作者

From the PIC you post, we really cant know what is which one, but for sure change all will be better sound, Thanks bro. :wink:
SSWONG 發表於 2006-12-5 09:34:30 | 只看該作者
viewer & superwhite,

Another question, can i change the 47uF/160v ecap at power side to 100uF/150v? (in cd33 yours is 100uF/160v-supply power for 2 tube)

i had measure the voltage it is 115v so 150v is ok, but i'm not sure 100uF will spoilt the player not?? since original is 47uF.
Because i wish to change to BG stnd 100uF/150v.
superwhite 發表於 2006-12-5 17:59:31 | 只看該作者

i really dont know at all, but should be o.k, bcoz my is 100V 160V, mean it have more power(more continues current) i said maybe only. :wink:

Thanks for sharing.
superwhite 發表於 2006-12-5 22:06:13 | 只看該作者

Hi bro, how is the result of BG? any improvement?? hope you dont poison by this tiny stuff..... :  :  :
SSWONG 發表於 2006-12-6 09:18:47 | 只看該作者
[quote:bb011d349b="superwhite"]Hi WINDWSS,

Hi bro, how is the result of BG? any improvement?? hope you dont poison by this tiny stuff..... :  :  :[/quote]

I almost 毒发身亡!
It have tremendous improvement on my Audiolab (just replace 3 BG standard at the power side).

But for CDP, even i use 2 BG Nseries, got improvement but not that much compare to the rate of improvement of audiolab..... But at least it neutralize a bit my rubycon zl , sound not as sharp as previousely...

So planning to rplace all the cap at power side of cdp with BG step by setp...since BG damn expensive....
SSWONG 發表於 2006-12-6 16:25:37 | 只看該作者

Since u had use ERO MKP1845 & WIMA MKP-10, which 1 is better?

MKP 1845 better right? thinking of changing the WIMA MKP-10 (1000VDC,600VAC, 0.1uF) near power filter....
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